Friday, May 31, 2019
Different Cultures, Different Essay -- essays research papers fc
Every society and culture has contrary tracks of interpreting and defining occurrences by the way their own culture or society functions. A societys culture, consists of whatever it is one has to know or believe in order to persist in a manner acceptable to its members(Geertz 242). The rituals, customs, ethics and morals that are attributed to the cultures have caused these differences. To understand how the people of one culture interpret a feature or event, one must evaluate the attributes that a culture has. The criteria that an event is based on changes as one culture applies their own ideas to the given situation. valiance and violation are two concepts that are easily misinterpreted depending on cultures ideals. Since cultures have different attributes it is impossible for two cultures to exist and share a view of a situation or event. Heroism and violation are two concepts that are addressed by Geertz in his relating of Ryles story of the sheep raid. From the different c ultures involved, two different interpretations are concluded. To the protagonist, Cohen, and the perpetrators of the crime, his raid on the Berbers was seen as heroism. Cohen risking his life for his redemption of crime that was committed against him is viewed as heroic. On the contrary, when Cohen returned to his French counterparts, they saw his redemption as a violation of the Berbers, and accused him of being a spy Here, in our text, such sorting would beg...
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Whitman and Neruda as Grassroots Poets Essay -- Poet Poetry Poem Paper
Whitman and Neruda as Grassroots Poets The familial bond between the two poets Walt Whitman and Pablo Neruda points not only to a much-needed tally of the affinity between the two hemispheres, exactly to a deeper need to establish a basis for an American identity roots, as Neruda referred to his fundamental link with Whitman (Nolan 33). two Walt Whitman and Pablo Neruda have been referred to as poets of the people, although it is argued that Neruda with his city and country house, his extensive travels, and his political connections, was never really one of the mass. Nonetheless, his work and energies went into supporting the common working man, and not the elite. By the late 1940s Neruda had openly defined himself as a communist, looking for the equal treatment of all citizens of Peru. Whitman, though not overtly political standardised Neruda, did emphasize the equality between all in his writing. The appellation, poet of the people, is used to indicate their sympathies t owards a commonality in humans, if not the common man. As the experimental condition commoner carries various connotations and needs much explaining, I prefer to discuss the two authors as grassroots poets. Poets of the people and grassroots poets have many similarities, but by using the enclosure grassroots I draw on grassroots theater studies which illuminate certain artistic purposes and themes. Thinking of Whitman and Neruda as grassroots poets can deepen our understanding of their personas and their work, and especially indicate a similarity of purpose between the two poets who employed different structural styles of writing. First and foremost, the term grassroots hinges on a sense of community. It implies a political motivation from the bo... ...nity theatre is to create a dialectic between the present state and coming(prenominal) possibilities of particular communities, moderated by a knowledge of, and an identification with, those communities (Kershaw, 61). With thi s basic understanding of grassroots with in the context of community theater, let us proceed to a comparative study of grassroots sentiments in excerpts from Nerudas The Heights of Macchu Picchu, and Walt Whitmans Song of Myself. Go to analysis Works CitedKershaw, Baz. The Politics of Performance. Radical Theatre as Cultural Intervention. New York Routledge, 1992. Nolan, James. Poet-Chief. The Native American Poetics of Walt Whitman and Pablo Neruda. Albuquerque University of New Mexico Press, 1994. Whitman, Walt. Leaves of Grass (1855). in Walt Whitman Poetry and Prose. New York The Library of America, 1996.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
The Trebuchet Essay examples -- medieval siege machine
Used by castle commanders during times of peace to hurl roses to ladies during tournaments, trebuchets proved a plaguey weapon in the field of ancient warfare. Flinging a wide variety of objects hundreds of yards, the trebuchet became the weapon of choice for laying siege to a castle. Its incredible regorge could often place it beyond the effectual defense range of the castle archers, thereby permitting the besiegers to destroy the defenders walls with little interference. During extended sieges, trebuchets were often used to hurl larger quantities of dung, dead animals, and other such items to encourage disease throughout the besieged city.Trebuchets earned a reputation for being much more(prenominal) accurate and precise than their onager and catapult counterparts. Not only was this accuracy a win, but being based on rotational motion and leverage rather than torque (spring power) and lacking in a throwing arm stop, the trebuchet proved a much safer alternative for the perso nnel operating it. Onagers and Mangonels would literally explode on source when the torsion proved too great or a crack developed in the throwing arm due to the rapid stops it experienced.All in all, the Trebuchet was a fearsome weapon of mass destruction during the Middle Ages, a force to be reckoned with. Trebuchets only lost favor when cannons emerged, and the primary benefit of the cannon that the trebuchet lacked was not in fact power, but rather mobility. Smaller, more maneuverable cannons rapidly overran the position of the trebuchet in most armies across the world.Warwolf, the legendary trebuchet built by the English Army to destroy Castle Urquhart, which was located in the Highlands of Scotland, on the shores of the also infamous Loch Ness. Par... ...elease and a more horizontal trajectory, with higher velocity.In an attempt to better understand the components of the trebuchet and to permit the viewer a better idea of the manner in which the going of a trebuchet occurs, a trebuchet constructed entirely of K-nex was built this past week. The counterweight consisted of 5000 steel bbs wrapped in plastic and duct tape, while the mangonel itself was made of duct tape and twine. The remaineder of the trebuchet, including the throwing arm, were constructed purely from K-nex.Standing some 3 feet tall, this trebuchet could repeatedly launch a 2-3oz object in excess of 20 feet.Lengthening the sling proved valuable, increasing velocity and range considerably. However, a point was reached at which the sling length could be said to be optimized, and continuation it further only created unpredictable release angles.
Comparing the Books, Destructive Generation: Second Thoughts About the Sixties and The Sixties: Y :: American America History
Comparing the Books, ruinous Gen durationtion Second Thoughts About the sixties and The Sixties Years of Hope, old age of Rage The preface to Peter coal miner and David Horowitzs DestructiveGeneration Second Thoughts About the Sixties and the introduction to ToddGitlins The Sixties Years of Hope, Days of Rage both try to explain theauthors reasons for writing their books. Both books, establish on nostalgia,deal with the good and the bad which have come out of the sixties. However, age Collier and Horowitz describe the sixties more as a condemnation ofdestruction, Gitlin places more emphasis on the spirited atmosphere whichled to the destruction. This destruction they tout ensemble refer to includes thediminished placement of trust in the States, the rising bother of drugs, andthe overall havoc created throughout the country. Therefore, the authorsgive two very different descriptions of the era of which they were all apart. Even in the beginnings of the works, the dif ferences are very let outable. Collier and Horowitz begin by trying to describe a summary jiffy (Collier and Horowitz 11) of the decade. This moment involves arevolutionary group known as the Black lynx Party. The authors seem tocriticize this group by commenting on their appearances and their actionsin certain examples. For example, at a cocktail party, one Panther spit inthe face of an multitude draftee because he brought a black friend from the armyhome dapple on leave. When the Panther returned to the party, the peoplepresent pretended not to notice that anything had happened. Later, whenmisunderstandings occurred between two guests at the party which resultedin one of them making a racial remark, anger was fueled in the group andamong others who had heard approximately the event. Collier and Horowitz, whenremarking on their reactions, emphasize that while in ordinary times theevent would not have caused many problems, during the sixties, peopleconsidered it more of a poi nt that revolution was worthwhile. Perhaps theauthors were suggesting that the revolution was created out of exaggeratedproblems or that those lead-in the revolution, much(prenominal) as the Black Panthers,did not quite understand why they were leading it. Collier and Horowitzseem imply this belief through the portrayal of the Panthers as unletteredwhen listening to Genet speak on their behalf The Panthers milled aroundin sullen incomprehension as he talked (P.12). These tend to be theirreasons for why the revolution caused so much destruction. On the other hand, Gitlin begins his introduction by describing hisComparing the Books, Destructive Generation Second Thoughts About the Sixties and The Sixties Y American America HistoryComparing the Books, Destructive Generation Second Thoughts About the Sixties and The Sixties Years of Hope, Days of Rage The preface to Peter Collier and David Horowitzs DestructiveGeneration Second Thoughts About the Sixties and the intr oduction to ToddGitlins The Sixties Years of Hope, Days of Rage both try to explain theauthors reasons for writing their books. Both books, based on nostalgia,deal with the good and the bad which have come out of the sixties. However,while Collier and Horowitz describe the sixties more as a time ofdestruction, Gitlin places more emphasis on the spirited atmosphere whichled to the destruction. This destruction they all refer to includes thediminished placement of trust in America, the rising problem of drugs, andthe overall havoc created throughout the country. Therefore, the authorsgive two very different descriptions of the era of which they were all apart. Even in the beginnings of the works, the differences are verynoticeable. Collier and Horowitz begin by trying to describe a summarymoment (Collier and Horowitz 11) of the decade. This moment involves arevolutionary group known as the Black Panther Party. The authors seem tocriticize this group by commenting on their appearan ces and their actionsin certain events. For example, at a cocktail party, one Panther spit inthe face of an army draftee because he brought a black friend from the armyhome while on leave. When the Panther returned to the party, the peoplepresent pretended not to notice that anything had happened. Later, whenmisunderstandings occurred between two guests at the party which resultedin one of them making a racial remark, anger was fueled in the group andamong others who had heard about the event. Collier and Horowitz, whenremarking on their reactions, emphasize that while in ordinary times theevent would not have caused many problems, during the sixties, peopleconsidered it more of a sign that revolution was worthwhile. Perhaps theauthors were suggesting that the revolution was created out of exaggeratedproblems or that those leading the revolution, such as the Black Panthers,did not quite understand why they were leading it. Collier and Horowitzseem imply this belief through the port rayal of the Panthers as uneducatedwhen listening to Genet speak on their behalf The Panthers milled aroundin sullen incomprehension as he talked (P.12). These tend to be theirreasons for why the revolution caused so much destruction. On the other hand, Gitlin begins his introduction by describing his
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
The Modern Tragedy: Death Of A Salesman :: essays research papers
A Modern TragedyA form of drama in which a person of superior intelligence and character is pass over by the very obstacles he/she is struggling to remove defines a tragedy as most people know it. However, tragedy can reflect other aspect of life the tragedies of the common people. Heroic behavior in these instances may at times be impossible. We expect, from reading the first tragedies, that only kings or grandeur can be tragic adeptes. Arthur Miller himself said, I believe that the common man is as apt a subject for tragedy in its highest moxie as kings wereThe same characteristics which were enacted by royal beingsapply to everyone in similar emotional situations. Death of a Salesman can be defined as a tragedy, with Willy Loman as the tragic hero. Willy Loman has a tragic flaw characteristic of all tragic heroes, however, it is not necessarily a weakness. Willy has a lot of dignity, and he is unintentional to remain passive in the face of what he conceives to be a challeng e to his dignity, his image of his rightful status. His tragic flaw leads to his demise.A tragic hero begins with a purpose, falls on hard times, but, in the end, turn ins a better perception. This perfectly describes Willy. Willys initial purpose is to maintain his dignity by sham in front of his family and not accepting a job that he believes would lower his position. He obviously falls on hard times he loses his job, his sons are lazy bums, Biff is a thief, he constantly relives his mistakes, and Biff resents his dad because of something that happened years ago. All of these are evidence of the hard times he is having in his life. After a confrontation with Biff, which occurred because of Lindas insistence, Willy gains a better perception of his life. Or, at least, he thinks he does. Willy believes that, by committing suicide, he can gain dignity in the eyes of his family. By doing this, they can live off the insurance money, and he will finally have been able to provide for th em.
The Modern Tragedy: Death Of A Salesman :: essays research papers
A Modern TragedyA form of drama in which a person of super intelligence and character is overcome by the very obstacles he/she is struggling to remove defines a cataclysm as most people know it. However, tragedy can reflect another aspect of life the tragedies of the common people. Heroic behavior in these instances may at times be impossible. We expect, from reading the firstly tragedies, that only kings or nobility can be tragic heroes. Arthur Miller himself said, I believe that the common man is as apt a vitrine for tragedy in its highest sense as kings wereThe same characteristics which were enacted by royal beingsapply to everyone in similar emotional situations. Death of a Salesman can be defined as a tragedy, with Willy Loman as the tragic hero. Willy Loman has a tragic taint characteristic of all tragic heroes, however, it is not necessarily a weakness. Willy has a lot of dignity, and he is unwilling to remain passive in the face of what he conceives to be a challenge t o his dignity, his image of his rightful status. His tragic flaw leads to his demise.A tragic hero begins with a purpose, falls on hard times, but, in the end, gains a better perception. This perfectly describes Willy. Willys initial purpose is to assign his dignity by pretending in front of his family and not accepting a job that he believes would lower his position. He obviously falls on hard times he loses his job, his sons are lazy bums, Biff is a thief, he constantly relives his mistakes, and Biff resents his dad because of something that happened years ago. All of these are exhibit of the hard times he is having in his life. After a confrontation with Biff, which occurred because of Lindas insistence, Willy gains a better perception of his life. Or, at least, he thinks he does. Willy believes that, by committing suicide, he can gain dignity in the eyes of his family. By doing this, they can live off the insurance money, and he will finally relieve oneself been able to provi de for them.
Monday, May 27, 2019
Abigail’s Party Essay
My group and I are instituteing on a play called the Birthday Party By Harold Pinter. The take a shit is set in 1960s. The scene we doing is well-nigh a man, names Petey returning home from some sort of morning to job to a boarding phratry where his wife, whos called million and is the owner, fusses around him. We start to regulate that this r breakine is actually basic and a sense of this what they do e precise day. As the scene goes on Stanley comes in and plays quite a grumpy teenager. I play the part of Petey. At the time of this plays setting, men had more of a dominant role in society and the women didnt work much and did more of the housework.This could mean that the male characters in plays around this time were more dominate and women did more housework and exclusively like Meg, fussed around their husband as he was the only source of income, this could influence Meg as being fussy and concerning over Petey. The war would collect been less than two decades ago so tha t may influence the characters in plays. Meg maybe fussing around he husband because he was a war-hero influencing her to very proud and caring of husband, or maybe Petey only has a morning job because he is slightly injured, this could influence his physical expression.This is different from the text that we confuse studied called Abigails Party because was set in the 1970s where women had a more dominant role than in the 1950s. The women were more unwrap-spoken and more free to work have more social activities. In Abigails Party there was a lot more conflict and more fiery action amidst characters unlike in the Birthday Party it was Meg said a comment, which Petey may of thought was stupid, Petey just answered simply in a slow gradation and showed no motivation to want to speak.In Abigails Party when a comment was made that one of the partners didnt like to hear they either fought about it or gave a sarcastic comment to show their annoyance whereas in the Birthday Party I, Pet ey, just gave short simple unmotivated answers to a obdurate and fussing Meg. The two plays showed different ways of coping with situations as throughout the scene we performed Petey showed boredom and Meg carried on being quirky, fussy and questionable, in comparison to that in Abigails Party they handled situations in a more sarcastic, and argumentative.The two plays are humorous on different levels. The Birthday Party is funny because of we cigaret see Peteys clear boredom of having this conversation and routine, which we can tell is a daily thing he goes through. Megs stupid comments just to speak and engage with Petey and in cases, to contend out side life, is funny to us because the questions are stupid like when hes just got the corn flakes and she asks if they are nice and he hasnt even tasted them. However, the two plays have similarities. Pinter and Leigh are both known for naturalism.The scene on Birthday Party I performed was very natural and realistic nothing out of the ordinary happened it was very simple and plain but it was easy to relate to which made it effective and the birthday party as too representational and perhaps more modern and in the effect of couple arguing and women playing more dominate roles. However, the Birthday Party as it goes on turns out to be more absurd and super-natural. Both plays also have fussy and inquisitive women. Meg is very questionable to Petey and wanting to know things, Bev.Tries to keep the hookup shes got alive and wanting people to pay attention to her likewise to Meg wanting Peteys attention. The historical and social setting is fairly similar as the man in Birthday Party does seem to have the dominant role as Meg does everything for him cooking, washing etc. Contrastingly to when Angie says something against Tony, like he is argumentative or wont do something, he takes action by shouting or grabbing her hand. Angie stops and doesnt proclaim showing men still had some dominant role in the 70s.We are presenting our play as the audience in a semi-circle in one end of the studio and us acting in the other half of the circle. This allows the audience to be the third wall, which is very in the style of Pinter and Leigh. This can give the audience more of a role and part, its very soap like, which is naturalistic, just as the plays studied, are intended to be. We are using different techniques and styles of performing such as giving each character more or less just one characteristic and not changing the measure much.For physical exertion when I play Petey I kept the same tone and tired motivation to tell the audience that Ive been doing this for a very long time. For Meg she kept her fussing and questionable ways and when Stanley comes down he was more mellow and got the attitude of Ive got my wrapped round my little finger. We used symbolism in our play, for example my paper. When I played Petey, the paper was my only bit of something new for that day, everything else was the s ame predictable self but my paper, which Im though out the scene reading or holding, gives me salivation from Meg and the predictable ways.We are keeping the style very naturalistic. This is different from the other play as the characters pace changed very much through the play. At one time they would be talking and the next minute there would be an argument to change the pace and the pique in which all the characters felt. You never felt the characters would stay for long at one place whereas Petey stayed in the chair all the time and kept his pace the same except it did change sometimes. The other text (Abigails party) influenced our performance by making Meg a little more dominate and dogged for Peteys attention.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Automobile and Product Essay
1a. The company this case is well-nigh is a company named DoorGuard. DoorGuard is a company that is trying to spend a penny a new market that protects cars from getting dinged or dented. 1b. Strengths DoorGuard strengths be that there is currently no one else who has a fruit that does the same thing, along with a size competent target market. 1c. Weaknesses Doorguards weaknesses be that he couldnt find a concrete way to distribute and promote their product. A nonher weakness is that DoorGuard is a pioneer product it could boom or bust, with a pioneer product you cannot predict as well how successful your product ordain be.1d. Opportunity-thither is a big opportunity for this product to take aside if he sold to only 5% of his target market he would be making $6,100,000. 1e. Threat- DoorGuards panic is they are a product pioneer. This will be a high risk, high reward company. It could skyrocket or else it will fall right on its face. It could be ahead of its cartridge clip or the economic times could take a large portion of his target market and sway them in a different direction. 2. The market described in this article is anyone who has a car that costs $15,000 or more.These the great unwashed are normally people who have are from their mid-late 20s to 60s that have a well paying job. They market similarly teenage kids who come from a wealthy family. 3. There are no direct competitors in this case. There is some indirect competition though with AutoShades. This is a company that prevents the sun from coming into the car. Their strengths are that they are cheap, sometimes come with the car when bought new, and also have different designs. The companies weakness compared to DoorGuard is that it does not protect the car at all. 4. The people possibly consuming or buying this product ages range from the mid 20s 60s.Most of these people are middle-upper middle class. The majority of these people have kids. These people drive to places where this is tight pa rking (grocery shopping, schools (elementary, middle and high), malls). For these people this product could be valuable in the long run itd cost less off AutoGuard doors compared to removing dings and dents. 5. The technological market is important to recognize because DoorGuards anti-theft mechanism still destroys the product the consumer bought. This could be a problem that an adaption to the anti-theft mechanism could prevent.Economic market should also be acknowledged because with bad economic times most of DoorGuards target market people who are in their mid-late 20s-60s who not extremely wealthy people are but ordinary everyday people will be less likely to buy a serious that they want and dont necessarily need. If the car door gets dinged or dented the car will still run its not a necessity. Problem Statement Should Steve Harris take the next step with his product and look to distribute it? Steve Harris focuses on distributing to the pate five automobile manufactures (Ford, Chrysler, GM, Toyota, and Honda).With Harris looking to distribute to the top five automobile companies in their retail stores. They would be stored on a car as the customer walk into the store or stored between the principal(prenominal) entrance and the secretarys desk. There is a By targeting these big 5 automobile companies Harris will maximize his productivity by reaching intimately all of his target market, while also having time to work on other aspects of his company. Distribute to every automobile retailer out their. With Harris selling his product in every automobile retailer it will guarantee that he is able to access his entire target market.By targeting every automobile retailers it takes outside a more of a majority of their time and money compared to targeting only the top 5 retailers or not selling to any automobile retailers. kick upstairs and open your business and sell as a wholesaler to the customer. The advantage of not looking to distributing to any retailer s is that you save on shipping cost to retailers. Harris will also have a lot more time to figuring out how to advertise and promote his product. The weakness is that it will be very straining to advertise and promote his product without an automobile company supporting his idea.Have Harris distribute DoorGuard to two or three car companies. The strengths with this strategy is hell be able to target a decent amount of the market. The amount he targets varies depending on which companies he picks. Harris will be able not worry about distribution as much as if he was distributing to the top 5 automobiles companies or every automobile company. This will allow Harris to focus more of his time towards his product, and promotion of the product. By have only a few car companies distributing his product there is a great chance that these companies will remain loyal to you in years to come.There are some negative effects though to this distribution process. With so few of distributors your fate is in their hands. For example affirm you decided to distribute to GM and Ford. For some reason Ford goes bankrupt and out of business. Thats roughly half of your target market that disappears. If one of the companies Harris distributes to goes down, AutoGuard as well will be in serious trouble financially. Your target market will be so small that it will be expectant to hit 5% of all people buying an automobile.You need a plan B (alternative option) incase you one of the few automobile companies drastically falter. testimony Mr. Harris should focus on only distributing to the top five automobile companies. This will allow him to target the majority of the market while still being able to spend a lot of his time worrying about all the other aspects of his company (promotion/ advertising, and improving the product). With targeting this large section of the market for such a small cost it will allow him to adapt other aspects of his business and should be able to 5% of his ma rket.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Relationship Between Self Esteem Stress Health And Social Care Essay
Emerging surveies further reveal that persons who initiate shopping center use before 15 old ages of age take an norm of 29 old ages to accomplish one twelvemonth free of depicted objects ( vs. 18 old ages for those who start utilizing after 20 old ages of age ) . In accordant rhyme with the above, the existent quandary of mall abuse stems from the fact that mistreating young persons frequently display co-occurring mental wellness issues ( Kim & A Jackson, 2009 ) . The early intercessions with those who initiate message usage during immature old ages remain a lost chance for many persons ( Liddle, Rowe, Dakof, Henderson, & A Greenbaum, 2009 ) .Eitle ( 2006 ) noted that populating in single-p atomic number 18nt families peculiarly the mannish parent predicted increase marijuanas use among Hispanic/Latinos, but non among African Americans or Whites. Harmonizing to Wagner, Olson, Chou, Pokhrel and Duan, et Al ( 2010 ) , the features of the household such as its operation a nd construction whitethorn play both cautionary and worsening functions in adolescent amount usage. The hazard factors for early stripling burden insult guide been identified ( Hawkins, Catalano, & A Miller, 1992 ) , and utilized by look workers to develop intercessions aiming vulnerable striplings ( Dishion, Kavanagh, Schneiger, Nelson, & A Kaufman, 2002 ) .However spheres which may chair or intercede the consequence of substance revilement on adolescent substance maltreaters frame grossly under researched hence the need for the present keep up on the blood betwixt self-esteem, ferocity, adapted blood, drop-off, household primer coat and substance maltreatment among striplings. The bourn substance maltreatment was defined as a unidirectional concept. In kernel the term captures substance maltreatment as one concept, though multi-directional positions exist.Background of the StudyExperts in developmental epidemiology of substance maltreatment suggest that substan ce usage during adolescence disrupts necessary adolescent developmental procedures ( Liddle, Rowe, Dakof, Henderson, & A Greenbaum, 2009 ) thereby easing the divergence from preventive influences, such as the household and the educate. Scholars every bit contend that it leads to the acceptance of a configuration of aberrant attitudes, activities, associations, and behaviours ( Okoza, Aluede, Fajoju, & A Okhiku, 2009 Flory, Lynam, Milich, Leukefeld, & A Clayton, 2004 Lynskey et al. , 2003 ) .Surveies conducted by the Indiana Preventive resourcefulness Center ( 2003 ) evoked that striplings are ordinaryly introduced to substance maltreatment through penetration drugs such as intoxicant and coffin nails. Further more(prenominal), late emerging surveies suggest that male striplings use and abuse drugs more than their female opposite numbers ( Igwe, Ojinnaka, Ejiofor, Emechebe, & A Ibe, 2009 ) . Though, female striplings favor stimulations ( Chassin, Ritter, Trim, & A King, 2003 ) .In line with the above, substance maltreatment among striplings continues to be a heavy public wellness concern.Irrespective of the recent national informations collected in the US which shows lessenings among eighth-graders, 13 % of the group were still reported as attribute ab utilize substances in the past 12months ( Johnston, OMalley, Bachman & A Schulenberg, 2008 ) . The writers taked that 5.5 % had reported holding been intoxicated. The theoretical underpinning of adolescent substance maltreatment lies within the context of societal cognitive theory ( Bandura, 1986 ) and changing grades of influence as espo utilise by Bronfenbrenner ( 1979 ) . These theories jointly maintain that parents, sibling, school, and come tos account for an striplings overall motor to mistreat drugs.Harmonizing to Baron and Kalsher ( 2008 ) striplings involved in substance maltreatment do so because of the demand to conform to others around which underscores the demand for belongingness. The bookmans stated that striplings learn to utilize consciousness changing drugs because they are by and greathearted in trend. In the position of Dennis and Scott ( 2007 ) an person who developed substance maltreatment jobs initiated the usage during adolescence. To buttress their statement, the bookmans contended that 85 % of about 600 young persons come ining outpatient intervention for marihuana maltreatment or dependance in the hemp young person intervention survey started substance maltreatment before the age of 15 ( Dennis et al. , 2004 ) .The judgement of intact household and engagement in religious activities has been reported by so many bookmans as a protective factor in the etiology of substance maltreatment ( Wagner et al. , 2010 Demuth & A Brown, 2004 Grunbaum, Kann, Kinchen, Williams, & A Ross, 2002 National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse, 2003 Chu, 2007 Mack, Leiber, Featherstone & A Monserud, 2007. In the position of Brook, Whiteman, Finch and C ohen ( 1998 ) many factors are fundamentally interrelated, and energize cumulative effects on the flights of drug maltreatment and delinquency.Rohde, Lewinsohn, and Seeley ( 1996 ) stated that substance maltreatment heralded future depression in female striplings. With getable grounds bespeaking that substance usage and behavior jobs before the age of 15 was among the strongest forecasters of chronic offending, depression, school failure, unemployment, relational jobs with equals and household members through adolescence into maturity ( McGue & A Iacono, 2005 ) .1.2 pedagogy of jobThe effects of substance maltreatment among striplings in Nigeria scope from a diminution in academic public presentation, hooky, stealing, contending, chancing and dependence ( Okoza et al. , 2009 ) . Epidemiologic ratings in the state indicate that substance maltreatment is widespread and is one of the virtually alarming health-related jobs among striplings ( Igwe, Ojinnaka, Ejiofor, Emechebe, & A Ibe, 2009 ) . Evidence suggests that the beginning of substance maltreatment is multi-faceted crossing versatile spectrums which admits biological, personal and societal surroundings ( Igwe et al. , 2009 ) . Studies therefore suggest that substance usage among striplings in Nigeria usually occurs in schools, with real estimations confirming the incidence of the phenomenon as spicy among striplings ( Eneh & A Stanley, 2004 ) . operable informations from school studies in Nigeria farther reveal lifting prevalence and diminishing age of onslaught in reported instances of substance maltreatment ( Igwe et al. , 2009 Okoza, et al. , 2009 ) . The prevalence degree of the phenomenon was drift at 33.7 % , with Alcohol noted as the most normally abuse substance ( 31.6 % ) , plot of land hemp was reported as the least ( 4.1 % ) abused substance among Nigerian striplings ( Igwe et al. , 2009 ) . Surveies have besides revealed a rise in ingestion, early induction, increasing female eng agement and a tendency in the way of multiple substance usage among striplings in Nigeria ( Igwe et al. , 2009 ) .Oshodi, Aina and Onajole ( 2010 ) contend that the prevalence rates for life-time usage of substances varied from 3.8 % for Heroin and Cocaine to 85.7 % for psycho-stimulants. In the state, current use of substances the bookmans revealed varied from 2 % to 56.5 % . For gateway drugs, life-time prevalence was estimated to run from 9.2 % to 5.2 % for intoxicant and baccy some(prenominal)(prenominal)ly. However, the life clip use of hemp was put at 4.4 % . With respect to gender, prevalence estimations for males were by and outsize higher than for their female opposite numbers, except for antibiotics, anodynes heroin and cocaine.However, various(a) grounds have been adduced by bookmans as to why adolescent maltreatment drugs, several(prenominal) of which include alleviation from emphasis, to handle unwellness, and to remain awake at dark to analyze ( Oshodi, Aina & A Onajole, 2010 ) , still there is a few documented surveies on the design of striplings substance maltreatment. This survey therefore intends to make full an bing spread found in the literatures by researching out rearing issues or variables comparatively under studied by bookmans in adolescent substance maltreatment. Some of these issues include the function of self-esteem, emphasis, equal relationship and depression in the anticipation of substance maltreatment among striplings.Despite the be of limited literature peculiarly on the function of self-pride, nevertheless conclusions remain contradictory. This survey hence seeks to clear up some of the built-in constructs and misconceptions on adolescent substance maltreatment by placing the alone forecaster of the concept substance maltreatment from the host of variables posited for the current survey. Although bookmans agree that the beginnings of substance maltreatment are multi-faceted in nature, nevertheless, few bookmans have examined this multi-faceted nature of substance maltreatment in their surveies peculiarly within the Nigerian context. This survey therefore fills a spread in the literatures by acknowledging the influence of assorted concepts from different spheres in the prognosis of substance maltreatment. This survey is therefore multi-dimensional in capturing aspects from self-esteem, stress, peer-relationship, depression and household background.In surveies with young person in intervention for substance maltreatment, striplings tended to get worse more frequently in state of affairss of direct or indirect societal force per unit orbital cavity ( 66 % ) compared with grownups ( Ramo & A Brown, 2008 ) . In general, the few work on female striplings leaves open the inquiry of temporal sequencing with certain substance maltreatment comorbid factors. Earlier surveies have succeedd reasonably consistent findings in footings of the protective function of parental monitoring ( Macauly et al. , 20 05 Parker & A Benson, 2004 ) and alimentation ( Olvera, Poston, & A Rodriguez, 2006 Simantov et al. , 2006 ) .However, most old surveies have non focused on Africans and peculiarly Nigerians. It is clear that among both grownups and striplings, multiple personal and environmental factors influence adolescent substance usage ( Brown & A Ramo, 2006 Witkiewitz & A Marlatt, 2004 ) . The underlining subject of the current survey therefore is to detect how striplings can be protected from substance maltreatment, therefore the usage of concepts like integral household and spiritual bodily process as go- amidsts in the survey on the relationship amidst self-pride, emphasis, equal relationship, depression, household background and substance maltreatment among striplings in Somolu, Lagos, Nigeria.1.2.1 seek inquiryIn line with the statement of job, the undermentioned research inquiries were raised to make full the bing spreads in the research literatures reviewed on the relationsh ip mingled with self-pride, emphasis, equal relationship, depression, household background and substance maltreatment among striplings in Somolu, Lagos, NigeriaIn position of the identified spreads, the survey result react to the undermentioned research questionWhat is the background information of striplings in Somolu, Lagos, Nigeria?What is the age and gender inequality in substance maltreatment among striplings in Somolu, Lagos, Nigeria?Is there any relationship between self-pride, emphasis, equal relationship, depression, integral household, spiritual activity and substance maltreatment among striplings in Somolu, Lagos, Nigeria?What is/are the forecaster ( s ) of substance maltreatment ( self-esteem, emphasis, equal relationship, depression ) ?Is there any interceding consequence of integral household and spiritual activity on the relationship between self-pride, emphasis, equal relationship, depression and substance maltreatment among striplings in Somolu, Lagos, Nigeria?1. 2.2 Research aimThe research aim of the current survey leave alone be captured chiefly from two aspects or dimensions. These dimensions include the chief and the specific aim of the survey as captured below. General aimThe ultimate end of this research is to find the relationship between self-pride, emphasis, equal relationship, depression, household background and substance maltreatment among striplings in Somolu, Lagos, Nigeria. Specific aimThe chief aim is supported by the undermentioned exact aimsTo depict the background information of striplings in Somolu, Lagos, Nigeria.To find the age and gender difference in substance maltreatment among striplings in Somolu, Lagos, Nigeria.To find the relationship between self-pride, emphasis, equal relationship, depression, integral household, spiritual activity and substance maltreatment among striplings in Somolu, Lagos, Nigeria.To find the alone forecaster ( s ) of substance maltreatment from self-esteem, emphasis, equal relationship and depression among striplings in Somolu, Lagos, Nigeria.To find the interceding consequence of integral household and spiritual activity on the relationship between self-pride, emphasis, equal relationship, depression and substance maltreatment among striplings in Somolu, Lagos, Nigeria?1.2.3 Research HypothesesIn response to the specific aims of the current survey, the undermentioned nothing hypotheses were formulatedHo1 There is no weighty age difference in substance maltreatment among striplings in Somolu, Lagos, Nigeria.Ho2 There is no resultant gender difference in substance maltreatment among striplings in Somolu, Lagos, Nigeria.Ho3 There is no important relationship between self-pride and substance maltreatment among striplings in Somolu, Lagos, Nigeria.Ho4 There is no important relationship between emphasis and substance maltreatment among striplings in Somolu, Lagos, Nigeria.Ho5 There is no important relationship between equal relationship and substance mal treatment among striplings in Somolu, Lagos, Nigeria.Ho6 There is no important relationship between depression and substance maltreatment among striplings in Somolu, Lagos, Nigeria.Ho7 There is no important relationship between integral household and substance maltreatment among striplings in Somolu, Lagos, Nigeria.Ho8 There is no important relationship between spiritual activity and substance maltreatment among striplings in Somolu, Lagos, Nigeria.Ho9 There is no important alone forecaster of substance maltreatment from self-esteem, emphasis, equal relationship and depression among striplings in Somolu, Lagos, Nigeria.Ho10 There is no important interceding consequence of integral household on the relationship between self-pride and substance maltreatment among striplings in Somolu, Lagos, Nigeria.Ho11 There is no important interceding consequence of integral household on the relationship between emphasis and substance maltreatment among striplings in Somolu, Lagos, Nigeria.Ho12 The re is no important interceding consequence of integral household on the relationship between equal relationship and substance maltreatment among striplings in Somolu, Lagos, Nigeria.Ho13 There is no important interceding consequence of integral household on the relationship between depression and substance maltreatment among striplings in Somolu, Lagos, Nigeria.Ho14 There is no important interceding consequence of spiritual activity on the relationship between self-pride and substance maltreatment among striplings in Somolu, Lagos, Nigeria.Ho15 There is no important interceding consequence of spiritual activity on the relationship between emphasis and substance maltreatment among striplings in Somolu, Lagos, Nigeria.Ho16 There is no important interceding consequence of spiritual activity on the relationship between equal relationship and substance maltreatment among striplings in Somolu, Lagos, Nigeria.Ho17 There is no important interceding consequence of spiritual activity on the r elationship between depression and substance maltreatment among striplings in Somolu, Lagos, Nigeria.Theoretical/conceptual modelAlthough different theoretical predications possibly used in explicating substance maltreatment among striplings, nevertheless the present survey entrust use societal cognitive theory in explicating the diverse relationship that exist among the variables of the survey. On the other manus, ecological systems theory will be used to explicate stress one of the variables used for the survey. Based on the two theoretical predications, the conceptual model for the survey was built.Theoretical modelThe theoretical model of the survey will be guided by the societal cognitive theory as captured by Albert Bandura. The theory was chosen based on its rightness for the current perspicacious exercising and based on its used by most of the research workers whose surveies were reviewed for the present academic job. The implicit in dogmas of societal cognitive theory are herewith discussed below.Social Cognitive possiblenessThe term societal knowledge implies a broader aggregation of mental activities than societal acquisition ( Thomas, 2005 ) . The cosmopolitan civilization and constellation of societies, communities, groups, and other contexts provide larning chances that determine what is accepted and condemned by striplings. The presence and reaction of people ( for case in refering to societal countenances ) and the continuance of other stimulations attach dissimilar reinforcing or mute uping punishment to persons behaviour. Social construction can be conceptualized as an apprehension of agendas of beef uping exigency and other societal behavioural variables ( Bandura 1969 ) .BehaviorPERSONAL ENVIRONMENTALFACTORS FACTORS( Cognitive, affective,And biological events )Socio Cognitive Theory of Reciprocal Determinism. Adapted from Bandura ( 1969 )The household, equals, schools, churches, and other gathering offer instant backgrounds that encour age or deter adolescent substance usage. Social cognitive theoretician pop the question that most striplings larning comes from active imitation or mold of what they see and hears theoretical accounts in the society do. Bandura used the word mold along with such footings as experimental acquisition and vicarious acquisition ( Bandura 1969 ) . Adolescents learn from experience by hive awaying in their memory the consequences of their incidental observation for usage at some ulterior appropriate clip. Therefore, they combine different sunglassess of behaviours to organize new behavioural paradigms.Ecological Systems TheoryEcological systems theory as propounded by Bronfenbrenner ( 1979 ) and other aligned bookmans focus on five dollar bill primary universes of the stripling ( household, equals, school, society and the planetary environment ) 1 ) micro-systems, or the immediate societal contexts that straight influence striplings ( household, school, and equals Pantin, Schwartz, Sul livan, Coatsworth, & A Szapocznik, 2003 ) 2 ) meso-systems, or the connexions between the striplings universes ( parental engagement in school ) 3 ) exo-systems, or the fortunes in a parent s life that indirectly influences striplings ( work emphasis, societal support ) 4 ) macro-systems, or the cultural or social ideals that describes a society or civilization ( norms, imposts, belief ) . It influences what, how, when and where striplings carry out their relationship ( Bronfenbrenner, 2005 ) 5 ) chrono-system or the history of relationships in an striplings household ( Swick & A Williams, 2006 ) .Harmonizing to Pantin, Schwartz, Sullivan, Coatsworth and Szapocznik ( 2003 ) and in line with Bronfenbrenner ( 1979 ) these contexts besides can interact with one another. For illustration, a supportive household or school environment can buffer the harmful effects of vicinity disorganisation, poorness, and force on delinquent striplings ( Cicchetti & A Aber, 1998 ) . In the positi on of Pantin et Al. ( 2003 ) , the household context has the most influence on the stripling. In line with this propositions and sing the cardinal function of the household in civilizations ( Miranda, Bilot, Peluso, Berman, & A Van Meek, 2006 ) , household features may be an oddly of import influence on substance usage among Nigerian striplings.Basically, ecological-contextual intercession paradigms have been suggested ( Biglan, 1995 ) , chiefly for early intercession attempts, given the significance of societal contextual factors in finding developmental paths ( Cohen & A Siegel, 1991 ) . Basically, family-based multiple-systems-oriented intercessions are compellingly advocated and extensively investigated ( Drug Strategies, 2005 ) .Conceptual modelFrom the research inquiries, aims and posited hypothesis, the conceptual model for the survey is as shown belowBackground sovereign Mediating DependentIntegral householdHo 10-13Ho7Self esteemSubstanceMaltreatmentStressAgeGenderPeer r elationshipHo3 Ho6DepressionReligious ActivityHo 14-17Ho1Ho 8Ho2Conceptual model of the survey on Relationship between self-pride, emphasis, equal relationship, depression, household background and substance maltreatment among striplings in Somolu, Lagos, Nigeria Definition of footingsIn this subdivision, apparent movement will be made to operationally specify the constructs to be used in the survey, particularly the dependant, independent and interceding variables of the survey. The definition is to guarantee unvarying specific mentions crosswise the assorted spectrums of the thesis.Substance maltreatmentOperational definitionThe answerers entire fix on the 20item Drug Abuse covering fire Test ( DAST Skinner, 1982 ) will be used to stand for substance maltreatment in the survey. High tonss will bespeak high substance maltreatment.Self-esteemOperational definitionThe respondents score on the 10item Rosenberg self-esteem graduated table ( Rosenberg, 1965 ) will be used to stand for self-pride in the survey. High mark will bespeak high self-prides, while low mark will bespeak otherwise.Peer-relationshipOperational definitionThe respondent s entire mark on the 20item equal relationship questionnaire ( Rigley & A Slee, 1993 ) will be used to stand for equal dealingss in the survey. High mark indicate high equal relationship.StressOperational definitionThe respondents score on the 14item perceived emphasis graduated table ( Cohen, 1983 ) will be used to stand for emphasis in the survey. High tonss will bespeak high emphasis in the survey.DepressionOperational definitionThe respondents score on the 27item qildren s Depression Inventory ( Kovacs, 1985 ) will be used to stand for depressive symptomatology among striplings in the survey. High tonss will bespeak high depression in the survey.Integral householdOperational definitionThe term integral household is used to stand for striplings populating with both parents ( male parent and female parent ) .Religious a ctivityOperational definitionThe term spiritual activity is used to mention to the degree of adolescent engagement in spiritual activity.AdolescentOperational definitionThe term stripling as will be used in the survey implies anybody between ages of 10 to 19years.1.5 implication of the surveyThe survey can supply the necessary consciousness on the dangers of stripling substance usage and by so making trigger treatments on the stem among policy shapers in the state.The survey will assist edify households and communities on the hazard and protective of adolescent substance maltreatment.The survey will underline the demand for early intercession for striplings at hazard for substance maltreatment given its manifest and latent effects.The survey will besides make the consciousness of gateway drugs such as coffin nail normally abused by striplings.1.6 Restrictions of the surveyDespite the identified importance of the survey as captured in the significance, there are several likely re strictions that warrant consideration. These awaited restraints include the followersThe sample of the survey will merely be selected from secondary schools in Somolu local authorities rural of Lagos, Nigeria.The information for the survey will merely be collected at one clip point ( cross-sectional ) .The full instrument to be used in the survey will be based on self-report. accustomed the sensitiveness of the capable affair, pupils may non give the needed information.Chapter IILITERATURE REVIEWThe chapter will reexamine literatures on self-pride, emphasis, equal relationship, depression, integral household, spiritual activity and substance maltreatment. The reappraisal will therefore uncover a causal relationship between the independent, interceding and dependent variables of the survey. In the position of O Malley, Johnson, Bachman and Schulenberg ( 2000 ) substance maltreatment typically emerges during adolescence. Although there are some gender differences in adolescent sub stance usage ( Igwe, Ojinnaka, Ejiofor, Emechebe, & A Ibe, 2009 ) , purchasable grounds indicate that male striplings use and abuse drugs more than their female opposite numbers. However, female striplings favor stimulations ( Chassin, Ritter, Trim, & A King, 2003 ) . Epidemiologic surveies conducted in the present decennary suggest that substance maltreatment symptoms addition steadily across adolescence peculiarly among female striplings ( Johnson, Cohen, Kotler, Kasen, & A Brook, 2002 ) .Earlier literatures based on the comparing of young persons populating in integral versus disrupted households have suggested that life with both parents may hold a protective consequence on stripling substance usage ( Grunbaum, Kann, Kinchen, Williams, & A Ross, 2002 National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse, 2003 ) . More so, late emerging literatures contend that the issue of adolescent substance usage was more mingled than originally believed. The impact legion bookmans have ar gued varies with gender, figure of household passages, quality of relationship with parent, alterations in socioeconomic resources, possible break of equal relationships, and other factors ( Hair, Park, Ling, & A Moore, 2009 Krohn, Hall, & A Lizotte, 2009 ) .Shelef, Diamond, Diamond and Myers ( 2009 ) examined whether having substance usage upset intervention had a differential impact on coffin nail puke behaviours of mild ( 10 coffin nails per twenty-four hours ) , moderate ( 10-19 ) , and heavy ( 20 ) tobacco users ( smoked on 60 yearss in the past 90 ) utilizing 378 striplings from the Cannabis Youth manipulation survey. Findingss of the survey indicated that mild tobacco users decreased yearss of smoking during intervention and followup, whereas centrist and heavy tobacco users demonstrated a little lessening over intervention, and no alteration over follow-up. More so, the writers noted little lessening among heavy tobacco users during coffin nails per twenty-four hours in tervention stage. The findings of the survey affirmed the impression that although smoke may diminish for mild tobacco users, nevertheless moderate and heavy tobacco users require more be.In add-on, research besides affirm that depressive symptoms and substance usage portion relationships with of import hazard and protective factors, such as parental abnormal psychology, rearing jobs, kid exposure to force, school jobs, sexual activity and love relationships ( Harrison & A Sidebottom, 2009 ) . Studies every bit indicate that the developmental path of substance maltreatment symptoms rely chiefly on the age of oncoming, with initial oncoming of substance maltreatment before the age of 15 associated with increasing maltreatment for misss ( Chassin, Pitts, & A Prost, 2002 Nagin & A Tremblay, 2001 ) . Besides, well-known organic structure of research, both longitudinal and cross-sectional has demonstrated that adolescent substance maltreatment and hardship were associated with haple ss mental wellness results among grownups ( Grella, Stein, & A Greenwell, 2005 ) .Harmonizing to Ramo and Brown ( 2008 ) a major focal point in research analyzing the procedure of dependence impairment has been the word picture of diminution determiners, or contextual characteristics of state of affairss in grownups and striplings after been in intervention for substance maltreatment related jobs. Ramo and Brown ( 2008 ) examined adolescent and big substance maltreatment backsliding utilizing person-centered research attack by Karl Rogers ( 1957 ) in bring outing of import developmental differences in the state of affairss that make striplings and grownups most susceptible to get worse after substance maltreatment intervention. Findingss of the bookmans revealed that both striplings and grownups demonstrated two class agreements of backsliding precursors. Adults were labeled based on societal and urge state of affairss, negative and urges state of affairss. However, adolescent c ategories were labeled as societal and positive state of affairss and complex state of affairss.Abundant grounds suggests that engagement in spiritual activities and integral households serve to protect or cut down the hazard of substance usage. Adolescents who attend church or mosque at least one time monthly reportedly may prosecute in smoke or drink but are significantly less likely to utilize marihuana and cocaine, compared with those who infrequently or neer attend church ( Chu, 2007 ) . Mack, Leiber, Featherstone and Monserud ( 2007 ) noted that individual parents may be less able to supply consistent supervising and monitoring for their kids, so striplings from individual parent families have more chances to experiment with substance usage and other delinquent behaviours in comparing with striplings from two-parent families. Other surveies such as Barrett and Turner ( 2006 ) confirmed the mediating function of the usage and blessing of substances by equals and exposure to em phasize.In the position of Amato and Fowler ( 2002 ) , the place of household kineticss has been examined as both a correlative and a forecaster of adolescent substance usage. Family processes harmonizing to the bookmans act as a mannikin of informal societal control that can diminish the chance of delinquent stripling behaviours by plumping chances to take part in aberrant behaviours, while supplying utility pro-social activities and promoting positive development. Available grounds from literatures indicates that female substance maltreatment enlargement is interwoven with antisocial, depressive, and eating upsets symptomatology ( Angold et al. , 1999 ) . Studies therefore denote that substance maltreatment symptoms typically result in the oncoming of other perturbations, particularly antisocial symptoms ( Brook, Cohen, & A Brook, 1998 ) . Rohde, Lewinsohn, and Seeley ( 1996 ) discovered that intoxicant maltreatment heralded future depression in female striplings.Research ground s from both earlier and later surveies suggest that striplings who live in an agreement other than with their two biological parents study more substance usage than those who live with both parents ( Wagner et al. , 2010 Demuth & A Brown, 2004 ) . Harmonizing to Chassin et Al. ( 2005 ) , populating with other people was associated with coffin nail smoke in a sample of largely white, 10 to 17-year-olds, even after commanding for features of rearing manner. Barrett and Turner ( 2006 ) stated that others agreements like life with other non biological parents was associated with elevated DSM-IV substance maltreatment and dependance symptoms, escalate coffin nail smoke ( Miller & A Volk, 2002 ) and smoking beginning ( Edelen, Tucker, & A Ellickson, 2007 ) . However, the bookmans revealed that the presence of an grownup or older sibling who smoked counteracted the protective consequence of the atomic household.Surveies have repeatedly besides found an opposite relationship between par ental monitoring and adolescent substance usage ( Macauly, Griffin, Gronewold, Williams, & A Botvin, 2005 Parker & A Benson, 2004 ) . For case, in an earlier longitudinal survey of urban, Afro-american striplings Chilcoat and Anthony ( 1996 ) found lower quartile of parental monitoring in in-between childhood ( 8 to 10 old ages old ) was about three times more likely to originate the usage of cocaine, marihuana, and inhalants four old ages subsequently.In a survey conducted by Parker and Benson ( 2004 ) lower degrees of parental support ( perceived parental trust, apprehension, equity, and pride ) were associated with increased stripling usage of intoxicant, cocaine and marihuana in a big, ethnically diverse national study. In discrepancy to the above survey, a nationally representative study conducted by Simantov, Schoen and Klein ( 2006 ) revealed that striplings who reported high parental support and frequent communicating were about half as likely to smoke and imbibe as their opposite numbers who reported infrequent communicating and did non place their parents as foundations of encouragement.Chapter IIIMethodologyThe survey will consist junior secondary category three and senior secondary categories one to three pupils from selected schools in Somolu local authorities country of Lagos, Nigeria. Given that substance maltreatment among striplings peculiarly in Nigeria starts from schools. Therefore the school people will be the best topographic point for early sensing and hold back of substance maltreatment among striplings ( Okoza et al. , 2009 Igwe, Ojinnaka, Ejiofor, Emechebe, & A Ibe, 2009 ) .The sample pupils will be drawn from three public schools in Somolu city. The city is a assorted urban-suburban community that is socioeconomically representative of the province population. The sample of pupils was chosen because they provide the most accessible theoretical account of striplings who may hold come in contact with assorted substances while in school. Approval for the survey will be obtained from the Lagos State Ministry of Education and from the principals of take parting schools.3.1.1 LocationThe survey will be conducted in Somolu local anesthetic Government country of Lagos. Somolu is bounded by 3rd Mainland Bridge in the East, Bariga in the South, Atunrase Estate in the North and Ikorodu in the West. The country covers about 11.6km2 of land, with an estimated population of 402, 673 people ( Census, 2006 ) . Somolu is a strategic location peculiarly in the widely distributed metropolis of Lagos. It easy links topographic points like Lagos Island, Obalende, Surulere and of class Akoka where the University of Lagos is located. The country harbors some of the major markets in Lagos and the oldest secondary school in Nigeria. As a consequence, people from different cultural groups reside in the country.3.1.2 Research DesignThe survey will chiefly be a correlativity survey, aimed at finding the strength and way of relation ship between the variables of the survey. It is besides aimed at turn toing concerns such as the extent of substance maltreatment among school traveling striplings in Somolu, Lagos, Nigeria.3.1.3 Research Inclusion CriteriaTo be eligible for engagement in the survey, striplings have to be between the ages of 10 and 19 old ages, in line with WHO specified categorization of adolescent age scope. The age scope will farther be change integrity into early ( 10-13 old ages ) , mid ( 14-16years ) and late ( 17-19 old ages ) in consonant rhyme with earlier surveies conducted by Igwe et Al. ( 2009 ) on the socio-demographic correlatives of psychotropic substance maltreatment among secondary school pupils in Enugu State, Nigeria.3.1.4 Research Exclusion CriteriaAdolescent from selected schools in Somolu local authorities below the age of 10years and above the age of 19years as at last birthday will be excluded from the survey.SamplingCluster trying technique will be used to choose a sum of 370 striplings. The trying method was chosen for the survey callable to the homogeneousness of the sample. More so, the technique was preferred due to the trouble associated with obtaining a sampling frame. The sample of the survey will consist English-speaking adolescent pupils from Somolu, Lagos, Nigeria.owe to the indispensable nature of sample size in the statistical design of any research, it hence became of import to hold equal sample size. This is of import because equal sample size ensured dependable consequences. The reappraisal of literatures suggested that some statistical techniques were effectual in the finding of sample size. These consist of consequence size index, important regulation and statistical illation power.Since these parametric quantities are interrelated, if the research worker knows one, it was possible to find the others. There are besides some well-known regulations for finding each parametric quantity, for case when finding the power for a survey, it can be set at.80 ( Cohen, 1988 ) . Another common regulation related to important degrees, harmonizing to Cohen ( 1997 ) was that in most instances a.05 value was acceptable. On the other manus, for two tailed trials, where the alternate hypothesis shows that Ma Mb, we can conventionally utilize medium Es, assumed as equal to.5. For the intent of the current survey on relationship between self-pride, emphasis, equal relationship, depression, household background and substance maltreatment among striplings in Somolu, Lagos, Nigeria. Krejcie and Morgan ( 1972 ) methodological attack for the finding of sample size was adopted. The expression stated by the bookman is herewith captured belown = X2 *N*P* ( 1-P )( ME2* ( N-1 ) + ( X2*P* ( 1-P )Wheren = sample sizeX2 = Chi square for the specified assurance degree at 1 grade of freedomN = Population sizeP = Population proportion ( .50 in the tabular order )ME = Desired border of mistake ( expressed as a proportion ) ( See attached sampl e size tabular array ) .Therefore, in line with above mentioned parametric quantities, the sample size for the current survey was determined. Basically, a one or two tailed survey depends on old findings, as there was no similar survey at the local degree, the hypothesis will be two-tailed.Data CollectionThe information for the survey will be obtained through self-report instruments administered to pupils in their schoolrooms by a trained research helper utilizing standardised protocols. After reading the instructions to the pupils, the research helper will go around the steps in the schoolroom and will reply any single inquiries about peculiar points. The study will be administered under private conditions, and a certification of confidentiality protecting the information will be obtained from the Lagos State Ministry of Education.Students will be instructed non to compose their name on the study and will be assured that their replies will be purely confidential and would non be s hown to their parents or instructors. Methodological research has shown that when participants are assured of their confidentiality, self-reports of substance maltreatment normally have good cogency ( Patrick et al. , 1994 ) . An approximative clip of disposal of instruments on participants of the survey will be determined during the pilot survey of the current research.3.4 InstrumentsThe instrument cusp for the current survey will incorporate a combination of gages and single points designed to mensurate background features such as age, ethnicity, household composing ( integral, split or detached households ) , and other variables such as self-esteem, emphasis, equal relationship, depression and substance maltreatment.Substance maltreatmentSubstance maltreatment will be measured with the 20item Drug Abuse Screening Test ( DAST Skinner, 1982 ) . The mark of DAST scopes from 0-20 with high mark stand foring substance maltreatment.StressStress will be measured by the Perceived Stres s Scale ( PSS ) ( Cohen, 1983 ) , a 14 point self study questionnaire designed to mensurate the grade to which state of affairss in life are appraised as stressful. The tonss of the PSS are obtained by change by reversaling the tonss on positive points and so summing all the tonss of the 14 points. The PSS graduated table tonss range from 0 to 56 with high mark stand foring high societal emphasis.Self EsteemThe 10-item Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale ( Rosenberg, 1965 ) will be used to measure planetary self-pride, with higher tonss bespeaking positive dignity. Each point will be scored on a 4-point Likert graduated table runing from 1 = strongly agree to 4= strongly disagree.DepressionChildren Depression Inventory ( CDI Kovacs, 1985 ) will be used to measure depressive symptomatology with higher tonss bespeaking high depressive symptomatology. The CDI consists of feelings and thoughts grouped into 27 points. The graduated table tonss range from 0 to 54.Peer relationshipPeer relationshi p questionnaire ( PRQ Rigby & A Slee, 1993 ) will be used to mensurate equal dealingss. The PRQ has three subscales intimidation, equal victimization, and pro-social graduated table. The instrument is used for kids between the ages of 12 to 18year and consist of 20 points scored on a 4-point graduated table, runing from Never 1, Once in a snatch 2, Pretty frequently 3, and Very frequently 4.3.5 Data AnalysissIn analysing the information, the internal consistence of the graduated tables ( correlativity ) points will be measured utilizing Cronbach s Alpha. The trial is unarguably the most normally recognized step of dependability. Each subdivision of the questionnaire will be calculated individually. Before continuing into the reported tonss of the overall responses to each step, attending will foremost be given to the normalcy of the informations distribution.The information will be inspected utilizing graphical shows such as histogram, root and foliage secret plan, box-plot and n ormal chance secret plan. The overall mean tonss for all the respondents along with standard divergence value will besides be calculated. In line with the aims of the survey, fencesitter sample t trial will be used to analyze difference, Pearson correlativity will be used to find the relationship between variables and ranked arrested development analyses used examine mediation.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Five Force Analysis of Southwest Airline Essay
1. The threat of new entrants.In terms of economies of scale, Southwest fleet grew to 537 Boeing 737 aircraft providing service to 64 cities in 32 states throughout the coupled States, with 397 city pairs being served nonstop, by the end of 2008, thus has reached sufficient economies of scale. And Southwest Airline gains its cost advantage through the implementation of low-cost strategy. It non only flew planes point-to-pointshort-haul flights bypassing the expensive hub-and-spoke operations but also chose less popular, less congested airports to achieve quicker turnarounds which enabled the air hose to operate with fewer planes and gate facilities than would otherwise have been necessary. Cost consciousness has been a part of its culture. Training people for technical skills is possible but imitating SWA culture is out of question.The high sign investments and fixed costs to enter the airline industry makes it difficult to compete financially with profitable Southwest for entr ants. When comp ared with key competitor, Southwest Airline got the largest net income(TTM) and EPS(TTM) in 2009(Exhibit 5). Since Southwest Airline was the first major airline to introduce ticketless travel and one of the first to put up a Web site and quip online booking, it has won the high product differentiation. As a pioneer of low-cost strategy, SWA has set up its reputation and won a large phone number of loyal customers. However, SWA has no special control over distribution channels. On the other hand, since the publication of in 1978, there is low barrier to set up airline company in the US.2.The threat of substitutes.Southwest Airline focuses on the short-haul flight, so customers are likely to switch to other transportation means, such as train. And the low-cost airline has been a emerging industry. There are more choices for customer which posts high threat for SWA. To reduce the threat, Southwest provides low price or time-optimized tickets, good service to their cus tomers. Price for trains, or gasoline cost for self-driving are comparable to the price of Southwest ticket for the same route, not much cheaper. Moreover, the shifting costs for customers to train or car for the Southwest routes requires more travel times,cause a lot of inconvenience.The company evencreated the Southwest effect, an explosion in the number of people traveling by plane, including many who would have gone by car before.3.Rivalry among existing firms.There are many new airline with opposite strategies with Southwest Airline. They offered far more attractive service, such as leather seats and in-flight entertainment systems, for almost the same fare.With the increase of living standard, people prefer comfort to low-cost. The loyalty of Southwests customers will be questioned. And due to the expensive and highly specialized equipments, the high barriers for exit leads to the white-hot competition.4.Bargaining cause of buyers.Travel agents buy large volumes, theres a co ncentration of buyers, therefore their switching to a different supplier might have big impact on the profits. As for individual buyers have almost no strong bargaining agent. And switching to an alternative product is relatively simple and is not related to high costs. The airline is not of strategic importance for the customer because there are many other short distance transportation means.5.Bargaining power of suppliers.The market is dominated by a few large airplane suppliers including Southwest Airline. As for the catering, gift services and other indirect materials, there are many fragmented sources and therefore their power is of almost no significance. The cost of switching from Boeing 737 to Airbus A320 is very high. Apart from purchase price, the company should pay for the training of employees and the alimentation of new airplanes. The suppliers customers are fragmented, so their bargaining power is low.
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