Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Life of Butch Cassidy essays
Life of Butch Cassidy essays Born Robert Leroy Parker in Beaver, Utah, on Apr. 13, 1866, Cassidy was the oldest of 13 children and had no formal education. Cassidy became a cowboy while still in his teens when he met Mike Cassidy, adopting Cassidy's name after he joined him in rustling cattle in Utah and Colorado. He joined a gang every one later called the wild bunch who over they years would take over $15,000,00 from banks, trains and other robberies. After a robbery he tried to make an honest living by being a ranch hand but later met up with some old friends named Bill and Tom McCarty and tried to rob a train but after the guard refused to open the safe they left the train alone and left with no money. Later he met up with them again and robbed the Denver First National Bank of over $20,000 Tom McCarty approached the bank president that day and stated: "Excuse me, sir, but I just overheard a plot to rob this bank." The bank president nervously asked: "Lord! How did you learn of this plot? McCarty said, I planed it raising his gun "Put up your hands." Being only captured once and let out on Jan 19,1896 he went back to his hide out in a bank robbery butch's friends Bill McCarty and his brother Fred McCarty had been shot to pieces while trying to rob the bank in Delta, ColoOn the night of November 6, 1908, Butch and Sundance arrived in the town of San Vicente. They were looking for a place to stay and were directed to the home of Bonifacio Casaola. The room that Butch and Sundance were given had one doorway that opened up into a walled patio, no windows and no back door. After guiding the two outlaws, the local man who directed Butch and Sundance to Casaola's home, alerted four local soldiers that two strangers were in town. The soldiers gathered their rifles and ammunition and headed for the house. The soldiers entered the patio at the same time Butch was coming out of the doorway. Butch drew his gun and fired, hitting one o...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Friedrich Nietzsche essays
Friedrich Nietzsche essays Friedrich Nietzsche was a 19th century German philosopher who challenged the basis of Christianity and traditional morality. In contrast to his works, Nietzsche was raised by a pious Lutheran family, and often labeled the little pastor. After Nietzsche attended a boarding school, he went to study philosophy at the University of Bonn. Four years later, he transferred to the University of Leipzig, where he met Professor Friedrich Ritschl and found his niche for philosophy, philology, and literature. At the young age of 24, under the direction of Friedrich Ritschl, he earned a professorship at Basel. His beliefs were founded on the works and lives of great philosophers and men such as Arthur Schopenhaur and Charles Darwin. At the age of 21, Nietzsche lost his faith in traditional religion and found philosophy when he was introduced to Arthur Schopenhaur. Schopenhaurs philosophy was based on the premise that people did not have individual wills, rather we are the pawns of a life force. This was in direct contrast with Nietzsches traditional religion which teaches that we, in contrast, do have individual wills. Charles Darwins influence can also be seen in Nietzsches work. Nietzsche is notorious for his will to power, in which he asserts assumptions similar to Darwins survival of the fittest. Simply put will to power is a process of expansion that he believed was the basic driving force in nature. Nietzsches beliefs centered around his will to power and led to other theories of our existence like the slave morality theory. The slave morality theory maintains that the weaker groups virtues (slave) are viewed as positive attributes, like passivity. While on the other hand, the dominating groups virtues (master) are viewed as negative attributes such as evil. Both the will to power and ...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Leadership and Management Commitment Research Paper
Leadership and Management Commitment - Research Paper Example Without leadership and management commitment, the organization is destined to fail. Mannan and Lees (2005) highlights that some of the ways in which leadership and management commitment is demonstrated include providing safety a high profile, giving the organization managers safety goals, supporting organization managers whose main concern is safety as far as their decision making is concerned, operating an active audit system and take action in cases of deficiencies and incidents. Mannan and Lees (2005) argues that safety ought to be given a high profile and this can only be possible when various measures are put in place in addition to considering safety as the first item on the agenda of the organization’s meetings and also making sure that all the employees are informed of the actions taken by the management both in the initiation of, as well as in response to various safety matters. Burns (2002) argues that today’s organizational managers are generally aware of the significance of safety, including grave incident prevention. However; a great number of them are normally overwhelmed by the pressure to attain excellence in a number of key areas of performances within their organizations. Other than safety operations, their attentions as organizational leaders are normally focused on productivity, customer service, product quality and cost control. To complicate things further, these goals more often than not appear to be tension with each other, with organizational managers finding it difficult to improve performance in one particular area without adversely impacting on the others. It is therefore a workplace reality that dignified intentions by organizational managers are not enough to attain desired results within organization, and as a result managers ought to demonstrate effective leadership and
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Distracted Driving Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Distracted Driving - Essay Example As the essay stresses the mode of transmission is how the bacterium moves from one place or host to another and with TB this is through coughing or sneezing that releases the TB bacterium into the air which can then be inhaled by another person in the room. The portal of entry of TB is also its portal of exit that is the human respiratory system. Therefore, just as the TB bacterium can be expelled by sneezing, it can be inhaled by the nose and mouth. The susceptibility of a host is how easily a disease can invade them, for example a person who is already sick or someone with a low immune system or any person with HIV or AIDS will find it harder surviving TB. AS the study states the primary prevention takes place before the disease process begins; it forestalls the onset of the illness this can be done by hand washing, screening persons in high-risk groups among others. Secondary prevention takes place when there is an early diagnosis so that there is treatment before the disease becomes advanced with TB this can be done through administration of antibiotics. Tertiary prevention is aimed at rehabilitation following infection by the disease; this is done to slow the force of transmission through administration of anti-tuberculosis treatment. Lead and uranium poisoning are two of the major health hazards in our Cincinnati community caused by an increased production of natural gas in recent years. As a group we see the sources as they have been described by various academics and government research programs raising the potential impacts on public health.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
American Literature Essay Example for Free
American Literature Essay Characteristics The literature is as diverse as the cultures that created it, but there are often common elements such as stories explaining creation or natural forces. Major Writers or Works Oral narratives: Myths; legends; songs; creation stories from groups such as the Zuni, Aztec, Navajo, Lakota, Seneca, Tlingit, Cherokee, Blackfoot, Cree, Inuit, and many more. †¢Exploration Period, 1492-1607 Characteristics The first European writings about North America are written in this period. European writings describe the explorers travels and impressions of the continent and its Native people. Major Writers or Works Prose: Christopher Columbus, Alvar Nunez Cabeza de Vaca, Bernal Diaz del Castillo, Thomas Harriot, and Samuel de Champlain. Oral narratives: Seneca legend How America was discovered. †¢Colonial Period, 1607-c. 1765 Characteristics The Colonial period was dominated by Puritan beliefs and thus literature of this period is usually historical, religious, or didactic. The most common genres were tracts, polemics, journals, narratives, sermons, and some poetry. The first slave narratives were written at this time. Imaginative literature was rare; in some colonies, it was banned for being immoral. Major Writers or Works Poetry: Michael Wigglesworth, Anne Bradstreet, Edward Taylor. Prose: John Smith, Roger Williams, Cotton Mather, Jonathan Edwards Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God, Benjamin Franklins Poor Richards Almanacks. Narratives: Mary Rowlandsons A Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson. †¢Revolutionary Period, 1765-1790 Characteristics This period begins with the passing of the Stamp Act in England and ends in 1790. The Revolutionary period usually refers to writings that are politically motivated, either in support of British rule, in support of American patriotism and independence, or relating to the Constitution. Major Writers or Works Prose: Thomas Jeffersons Autobiography, Declaration by the Represent-atives of the United States of America, Thomas Paines Common Sense, Alexander Hamilton and James Madisons Federalist Papers. Drama: Royall Tylers The Contrast. Verse and Ballads: Yankee Doodle, The Liberty Song. †¢Early National Period, 1775-1828 Characteristics. During this period, a body of distinctly American imaginative literature began to emerge. As with the novel, poetry, essays, and sketches also began to flourish. The publishing world and readership in America also began to grow. Slave narratives were published with increasing frequency. This period is sometimes called the Federalist period after the conservative federalists in power at the time. Major Writers or Works Poetry: Phillip Freneau, William Cullen Bryant, Phillis Wheatley. Prose: Judith Sargent Murray, Mercy Otis Warren, Washington Irving, Lydia Maria Child. Narratives: Olaudah Equianos The Interesting Narrative of the Lfe of Olaudah Equiano. Novels: Hannah Webster Fosters The Coquette. †¢Romantic Period, 1828-1865 Characteristics The Romantic period covers the period between Jacksonian democracy to the end of the Civil War. This period was the first major explosion of a distinctly American body of literature; for this reason, this period is also referred to as the American Renaissance. Many of American literatures most well-known writers emerged during this time. Readership increased significantly and the 1850s saw a number of immensely popular novels. Issues and subjects addressed in the literature of this time ranged from the American identity, to the slavery debate, to historical narratives, to poems and narratives inspired by romanticism, to prose works examining national unity. Major Writers or Works Poetry: Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Lydia Sigourney, Edgar Allan Poe, Walt Whitmans Leaves of Grass, Emily Dickinson. Prose: Edgar Allan Poe, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Rebecca Harding Davis, William Lloyd Garrison. Narratives: Frederick Douglass, Harriet Jacobs Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl. Novels: James Fenimore Cooper, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Catharine Maria Sedgwick, Herman Melville, Susan Warner, Maria Susanna Cummins The Lamplighter, Harriet Beecher Stowes Uncle Toms Cabin, William Wells Brown, Harriet E. Wilson. Drama: George Aikens play, Uncle Toms Cabin, based on Stowes novel. †¢The Age of Transcendentalism, 1836-1860 Characteristics Transcendentalism, though varied, investigated the relationship between nature, humanity, society, and the divine. Major Writers or Works Prose: Ralph Waldo Emersons Nature, Self-Reliance, and The American Scholar, Margaret. Fullers Woman in the Nineteenth Century, Henry David Thoreaus Walden, Bronson Alcott. †¢Realism, 1865-1900 Characteristics The post-Civil War period was an era of increased industrialization and urbanization as the nation attempted to recover emotionally, culturally, and politically from the aftermath of the war. Though there were still elements of romanticism, this period was considered realistic in its emphasis on unidealized and truthful depictions. Major Writers or Works Poetry: Walt Whitman, Paul Laurence Dunbar, Emily Dickinsons poems published posthumously. Prose: Sarah Orne Jewett, Mary E. Wilkins Freeman, Zitkala-Sa, Charlotte Perkins Gilmans The Yellow Wallpaper, George Washington Cable, Kate Chopin. Novels: Mark Twains The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, William Dean Howells, Bret Harte, Louisa May Alcotts Little Women, Henry James, Helen Hunt Jacksons Ramona, Frances E. W. Harpers Iola Leroy. †¢Naturalism, 1900-1914 Characteristics An offshoot of realism, naturalism claimed to give an even more realistic and unflinching depiction of contemporary life. Naturalism was characterized by a pessimistic view of humanity and human existence. Major Writers or Works. Prose: Frank Norris, Jack London, Stephen Crane, Hamlin Garland. Novels: Frank Norris McTeague, Theodore Dreisers Sister Carrie, Jack Londons The Sea-Wolf, Stephen Cranes Maggie: a Girl of the Streets. †¢Modern Period, 1914-1939 Characteristics A period in British and American literature spanning the years between WWI and WWII. Works in this period reflect the changing social, political, and cultural climate and are diverse, experimental, and nontraditional. Major Writers or Works Poetry: Robert Frost, Carl Sandburg, Wallace Stevens, William Carlos Williams, T. S. Eliot, Edna St. Vincent Millay, e.e. cummings, H. D. Novels: Edith Wharton, Willa Cather, Sherwood Anderson, John Dos Passos, F. Scott Fitzgerald, William Faulkner, Sinclair Lewis, John Steinbeck, Ernest Hemingway. Drama: Eugene ONeills. The Emperor Jones, Susan Glaspells, Trifles, Clifford Odets. †¢Harlem Renaissance, 1920s and 1930s Characteristics The Harlem Renaissance was the first major burgeoning of visual, literary, and performing arts by African Americans concerned with African-American life, art, culture, and politics. The influence of the Harlem Renaissance remained strong for the remainder of the 20th century. Major Writers or Works Poetry: Langston Hughes, Countee Cullen, James Weldon Johnson, Claude McKay. Prose: W. E. B DuBois, Jean Toomer. Novels: Zora Neale Hurston, Nella Larsen, Passing, Jessie Redmon Fauset, James Weldon Johnson, Claude McKay. Drama: Randolph Edmonds, Langston Hughes. †¢Lost Generation, 1920s Characteristics After WWI, a group of American writers grew increasingly disillusioned by, and resistant to, what they saw as hypocrisy in dominant American ideology and culture. Many of these writers left America in search of a more artistic life in London or Paris. Major Writers or Works. Poetry: Ezra Pound, T. S. Eliot. Prose: Gertrude Stein, T. S. Eliot. Novels: F. Scott Fitzgerald, Ernest Hemingways The Sun Also Rises. †¢Beat Writers, 1950s Characteristics Beat Writers writing was generally anti-traditional, anti-establishment, and anti-intellectual. Major Writers or Works Poetry: Allen Ginsbergs Howl, Lawrence Ferlinghetti. Prose: Gertrude Stein, T. S. Eliot. Novels: William Burroughs, Jack Kerouacs On the Road. †¢Postmodern or Contemporary, 1940-present Characteristics In British and American literature, the postmodern period refers to literature written after WWII. The postmodern period reflects anxieties concerning, and reactions to life in the 20th century. Postmodern works are often highly experimental and anti-conventional. Major Writers or Works Poetry: Sylvia Plath, Marianne Moore, Robert Penn Warren, Anne Sexton, Gwendolyn Brooks, Adrienne Rich, Philip Larkin. Prose: Eudora Welty, Raymond Carver, John Cheever, Alice Walker. Novels: Saul Bellow, Ralph Ellison, John Updike, Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. , Richard Wright, Thomas Pynchon, E. L Doctorow, James Baldwin, Toni Morrison. Drama: Edward Albee, Arthur Miller, Tennessee Williams, Lorraine Hansberry, August Wilson, David Mamet.
Friday, November 15, 2019
Job Discrimination Essay -- Discrimination is Wrong
In some way or another we have all experienced discrimination not only through race but also sex, a disability, religion and so on. How can we determine if discrimination is right in areas other than race? If we define discrimination from the Webster’s dictionary it can be the treatment or consideration of, or making a distinction in favor of or against, a person or thing based on the group, class, or category to which that person belongs. In my opinion I would simply say that â€Å"you can’t judge a book by its cover†and that is what we tend to do when we face discrimination. The Federal Equal Opportunity Laws are the enforcers of such discriminations people face on a daily job. Whenever employees encounter a problem with discrimination the EEO laws are their as protection for their rights in the workplace.      The Federal Equal Employment Opportunity Laws are like the book of psalms in your bible, daily laws to live by. Under the title VII, the ADA, and the ADEA, it is illegal to participate in any discrimination when dealing with employment. For instance, hiring and firing, recruitment, testing and transfer, promotion, lay off, or recall. Which employers are responsible for making employees aware of the rights under the EEOC? Under the title VII it explains that it is not only intentional discrimination, but also discrimination against color, sex, religion, race, and national origin. When describing National Origin Discrimination it is discriminating against people because of their ancestry, birthplace and culture. National origin an employer has the right to request proper form of Identification or something that let’s them know that they are legal citizens; and this is supported by the IRCA. Dealing with Religious Accommodation discrimination that the employer has the right to ask his boss for permission to accommodate his religious belief. For instance, if the employee is practicing the Muslim religion, and he is required to pray in certain areas at certain times, he needs to make sure that when he practices his daily religious belief that it does not affect other employees. Sex discrimination would fall under title VII, which can range from sexual harassment can stem from sexual favors from the same or opposite sex. For pregnant women they should be treated the same way any ill person would be treated. Next, Age Discriminati... ...specific agent the â€Å"Fair Employment Practices Agencies (FEPAs) they make sure that the party that is being charged is under both federal and state law. Once the charge has been filed they contact the employer and there are several ways they can go about the incident. For instance, interviews, review documents, and maybe visit the incident where it happened. In these cases mentioned above when discrimination is present these are things that may occur: back pay, hiring, promotion, reinstatement, front pay and reasonable accommodation; it may also include attorneys’ fees, and court costs. As I researched this topic, I read a passage in the book Sex Discrimination in the legal Profession, that women in the early 1980’s and 1990’s who were lawyers were getting paid less than a man in the same profession; yes female lawyers are among the most highly educated women on earth now is that equal. Well I think by now we should know whether this topic is a federal or state law? Yes it is a federal law. In order for job discrimination to decrease we must learn how to treat people equal regardless of the color of their skin or their race, or any other discrimination we face in day-to-day life.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Life cycle assessment of spring mattress Essay
Hendrickson, et al (2006) posits that: â€Å"LCA requires careful energy and materials balances for all the stages of the life cycle†. The life cycle of a spring mattress is made up of many processes. The life cycle or â€Å"cradle to grave’ of a spring mattress can be said to consist of the following five stages: a) extraction of raw materials (cradle), b) production of materials, c) production of spring mattress, d) use of the spring mattress, e) disposal of the spring mattress (grave). The function of the product system is to evaluate the extraction of the raw materials, the processing of the raw materials, the manufacturing and fabrication of the product, the distribution of the product, and the use of the product by the consumer and the disposal of the product when it is no longer useful. The functional unit. A spring mattress has a clear cut primary function: providing a resting or sleeping surface, but there are also other types of mattresses that serve the same purpose. Life cycle assessments usually serve to compare different products that have the same function. The functional unit is a quantitative description of the function of the product. The functional unit is a key element of LCA which has to be clearly defined. It should be based on the standard use of the product and is the main reason for which the product is bought. The functional unit is the measure of the function of the studied product and it provides a reference to which the inputs and outputs can be related. This makes it possible to compare two different products that serve the same purpose. The functional unit of a spring mattress may be defined as the length of time it stays fit for use. The system boundaries. According to ISO 14041 standards,†the system boundaries define the unit process to be included in the system to be modeled†. The system boundaries determine which unit Life cycle assessment of spring mattress. processes to be included in the LCA study. Subjective choice is partly used to define system boundaries. For system boundaries of a spring mattress, the following can be considered: 1) Boundaries between the technological system and nature. The life cycle normally begins at the point of extraction of the raw materials (used to manufacture the product) and energy carriers from nature. 2) System boundaries should cover the same reality in all scenarios. 3) Usually, the choice of geographical boundaries is not relevant because system boundaries are related to a function and not a region. 4) Only processes with relevant extractions or emissions will be considered. A screening approach is used to focus only on main contributions. Contributions from the production of capital goods (like trucks, machines); personal related processes (like factory canteens, commuting) and production of materials representing less than 5% of the product mass are not taken into consideration. Impact assessment methodology and interpretation. The aim of impact assessment is to evaluate the significance of potential environmental impacts using the results from the LCI phase. Environmental impacts are quantified as far as possible in an LCA. For this quantification, the classification and characterization methodologies are used. Classification is the assignment of individual inventory parameters to impact categories, e. g. , acidification or green house effect. Characterization is the conversion of LCI units into common units within each impact category with the aid of equivalence factors. In the LCA for a spring mattress, the following environmental impact categories should be considered: abiotic recourse depletion (exhaust), greenhouse effect (global warming), human toxicity, acidification, ozone depletion, landscape depletion, nuisance and solid waste. In the interpretation phase, conclusions are Life cycle assessment of spring mattress. Reached and recommendations are made in accordance with the defined goal and scope of the study. Ciambrone (1997) posits that: â€Å"The environmental lifecycle analysis methodology has three basic components. These components overlap and build on each other to develop a life cycle analysis. The three components are: a) Inventory analysis. b) Impact analysis. c) Improvement analysis†. References. Ciambrone, D. 1997. Environmental Life Cycle Analysis. Hendrickson, C et al, 2006. Environmental Life Cycle Assessment of Goods and Services, An Input-Output Approach. ISO 14041 Standards.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Beauty essay & Health
Numerous documents and articles criticize and downplay physical beauty. Credible, educated sources encouraging physical beauty are few and far between. Society fetishly discredits standards and beliefs Marilyn Monroe established. Media reporters emphasize Marilyn wore a size 16. By today’s standards, a size 16 is obese. These reports fail to inform audiences a size 16 at that time is comparable to a size 3 today.Health warnings accompany hair bleaching, tanning, and weight control. Political influences attempt to change opinions regarding physical beauty.Political correctness regarding physical beauty standards controls words used by the media. Words used by the media have no impact on reality. Looks do matter. Physical attractiveness and weight management opens realities regarding career, relationships, luck, court decisions, and better health care. Physical appearances determine first impressions. Vision senses override audible senses. Political influences imply obesity is s ocially acceptable. An overweight person gives the impression of increased risk for injuries and insurance claims in the workplace.Before job applicants say the first words, an unchangeable opinion formed in the interviewers mind. Political correctness portrayed by media reporters or women’s groups does not change perceptions of an obese person. Blonds attract more attention, therefore more customers. People seeking potential dates or marriage partners gives priority to their identity, not research. Individuals are perceived by the appearance of his or her mate. Personal priorities determine individual opinions of physical beauty. Contradiction describing physical beauty is everywhere.Career objectives, goals of attracting certain marriage partners, and other life decisions determine which research and statistics regarding physical attractiveness accepted. External physical appearances visually display personal lifestyle choices. People who prioritize excellent or improved he alth disregard research stating extra body weight is healthier than being thin. Proportionate weight results from selecting healthy food choices and participation in effective cardio exercise. People walking around with 12% body fat and visible muscles live a significantly different lifestyle than someone weighing 115 pounds.Athletic people avoid restaurants, eat clean foods, and organize his or her life around exercise and proper nutrition. Someone concerned with weight management and general health keeps his or her calories low and exercise moderately. Athletic lifestyles are too intense for ordinary individuals with average goals. Friends are selected or rejected based on their visible lifestyles. A person’s weight is an advertisement of daily living habits. Society views weight as a measure of physical appearance. Body image acceptance is often translated as a measure of self esteem, happiness and self-worth.People wishing to change his or her weight desire to change thei r priorities. Anorexia nervosa inevitably shows up every time physical appearance is mentioned. Anorexia nervosa is a mental illness. Physical appearance plays very little part in anorexia. People obsessively refusing to eat are acting out a fear relevant to obesity from his or her past. Perhaps someone remembered from childhood developed a drug problem. Weight gain triggered the drug problem. Depriving the physical body of food has nothing in common with dieting down to 95 or 100 pounds.The media and psychologists attempt to associate the two behaviors. They have nothing in common. Media, psychologists, and investigative reporters imply eating disorders is a desire to become thin. Society pushes theories implying thinness is unattractive. Physicians and dieticians emphasize weight is determined by genes and hereditary. These findings are to discourage eating disorders. Verbally, this logic may be accepted. In actual behavior, the idea is rejected. A self confident person remains un changed by outside influences.Self confidence encourages behavior resulting in pleasant physical appearance. No one obtains above average looks by accident. Extremely attractive people stir up negative emotions from others. â€Å"Beauty draws as much hostility as it does desire. Other women hate you. If you are not available or interested, men hate you too. Beauty makes other people who are insecure about their own looks resentful, which erects a barrier that can be difficult to bridge†(Shriver, 2006). Beautiful women constantly receive make-up tips, suggestions to change their hair or fashion advice.Secure people ignore such suggestions. Self esteem is hardly affected by advice, insults and any media program. Fitness industries would close. Society’s opinions are ever changing regarding perception of physical beauty. Changeable opinions are verbal. Reactions physically attractive people receive remain focused. Reactions to physical attractiveness are never planned. G entlemen offering their seat to an attractive lady, smiles, heads turning, stares, insults, envy, and unplanned facial expressions are true constant perceptions of physical beauty.Marilyn Monroe symbolizes beauty. Extremist groups continuously seek ways to alter the perception of Marilyn Monroe’s physical characteristics. Research attempts to alter behavior emphasizing health risks. Health scares do not change actual behavior. The reality to change what is accepted as physical beauty never changes. Notes; Lionel, Shriver, (8/16/2006) The Curse of Beauty, Daily Manuel. http://search. ebscohost. com/login. aspx? direct=true&db=nfh&AN=21963650&site=ehost-live
Friday, November 8, 2019
Symbolic View vs Omnipotent View Essay Example
Symbolic View vs Omnipotent View Essay Example Symbolic View vs Omnipotent View Paper Symbolic View vs Omnipotent View Paper This assessment covers topics you have learnt in unit 2. This is an individual assignment. No duplication of work will be tolerated. Any plagiarism or collusion may result in disciplinary action. 2. Answer ALL questions. 3. Please write your answers in the essay format. Do not answer in point- form, unless the question mentioned List or State. You dont have to write sections of introduction or conclusion in your answers. Just answer directly to what the question is asking. . The total marks for TAMA 2 is 100 and this contributes 15% towards the total weight of the course. 5. The deadline for the submission of TAMA 2 Is during Tutorial 3. Please submit your answers to your tutor. Question 1 In management theory two views about management have been put forth, one being the omnipotent view and the other the symbolic view. Differentiate between the symbolic view and the omnipotent view of management. Include specific examples of each view to support your answer. (20 marks) Question 2 An organization exists in a dynamic environment. Describe what is meant by the specific and general environments within which organizations operate. Provide examples of each type of environment. Question 3 In the modern world of globalization, international business is becoming increasingly important. List and discuss the three attitudes managers might have toward international business. Question 4 List and discuss five arguments in favor of business social responsibility and five arguments against it. Question 5 Professor Greet Hefted has conducted extensive research on national cultures which helps managers to better understand international management and Malaysia was included in his sample. List and explain Hypotheses five dimensions of national culture.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
An Analysis Of Chimes Of Slience Essays - Yoruba People, Literature
An Analysis Of Chimes Of Slience Essays - Yoruba People, Literature An Analysis Of Chimes Of Slience An Analysis of Chimes of Slience Wole Soyinka is a Nigerian playwright, and the author of the prose poem Chimes of Silence. In order to describe his experience in solitary confinement Soyinka uses descriptive language involving his vision to better enlighten the reader to his experience. The most dramatic passages in Chimes of Silence describe his limited vision, which expresses to the reader how difficult and horrible of an experience it must have been. Soyinkas efforts to see any sign of life through peepholes in order to have some way of connecting with the outside world, shows just how lonely he really is. The poem opens with Soyinka struggling to see through a peephole in the door of his cell. His interest in the boring details outside of his cell shows just how lonely he is, and how much he longs to have any kind of contact with reality. A little square hole cut in the door, enough for a goalers fist to passenough for me tosteal a quick look at the rare flash of a hand, a face, a gesture(140). Soyinka is desperate to see anything that he can relate to human life. Anything that assures him that even though he has no contact with humans that life is still going on. Anything that reminds him that theres the possibility that he could one day enter back into the life that he has been exiled from. Soyinka continues describing things he strains to see thorough the peephole including, more often a blur of khaki, the square planted rear of the guard on the other side (140). Not only does Soyinka strain to see any part of the human body itself, but also anything else that reminds him of human beings. Something we take for granted everyday Soyinka finds as a connection to the outside world. Its clear through his description of vision seeing through the peephole that Soyinka is desperate for human interaction and is clearly very lonely. Later in the essay Soyinka makes reference to the limited but present amount of sky that he is able to see in his cell; a sky the size of a napkin trapped by small spikes and broken bottles, but a sky (140). Through his describing the sky Soyinka finds another way of connecting to the outside world. The sky that he looks upon is the same one that people look upon everyday, and to him it makes the correlation to the human life he longs to be living. Soyinka knows that when he was once living and surrounded by human contact that he was covered by the same sky that he sees in his cell. It serves as a reminder to him that although trapped he can still carry a piece of his old life within him. His memories of his old life can help make up for the emptiness inside of him in his time of being alone. Soyinka also describes the birds he can see from his cell, Vultures perch on a roof just visible from another yard. And crows. Egrets overfly my crypt and bats swarm at sunset (140). Through his description of the birds Soyinka once again describes something living in order to make up for the fact that he feels so alone, and in a sense dead. It seems that in Soyinkas description of the birds that he almost longs to be them, to be able to fly and be free. Soyinka envies the birds for they arent trapped alone and they have access to the world unlike him. Soyinka eventually discovers a new peephole in his cell and once again he strains to see anything he can to keep himself from being so lonely. Soyinka talks of counting feet walking by in order to keep some kind of reality And now feetthe procession goes by and I count (141). By counting the feet Soyinka can establish the slightest relationship to any kind of outside life. Its almost as if by counting the feet Soyinka can relate to the prisoners and make up for the emptiness he is feeling, and not seem to be so alone. Although they arent trapped there with him the
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Nutrigenetics the relation between Genes and nutrition APOA2 Dissertation
Nutrigenetics the relation between Genes and nutrition APOA2 concerning cardiovescular diseases - Dissertation Example Within the nutrition-related disorder context, the variations in genetics underline the varying risks of the diseases, in response to interventions or treatments, as well as in the successful prevention chances. In addition to knowledge of the specific responsible genes, nutrigenetics provides an explanation on how and to which level the nutrition-related disorders and traits are determined by the variations in genetics. Therefore, the major concern in this is the need to answer the question of which particular genes are responsible for a trait, as well as the particular variation in functional identity by which individuals exhibit differences for trait, and the ideal way through which the gained knowledge can be beneficial to the population. Nutrigenetics refers to the effect of variations in genetics on an individual’s optimal dietary requirements. Therefore, nutrigenetics can be regarded as the retrospective study of how variations in genetics, which include single nucleoti de polymorphisms (SNPs) in individuals, result in varied responses to particular nutrients. Researchers have always defined the candidate genes for a given disorder or trait and eventually went ahead to search for the variation in genes, and the approach has been referred to as ‘hypothesis-driven’ method, since the gene selection is done based on their respective functions, just like the lipoprotein genes is regarded as candidates for obesity disorder; whereas the genes for signaling insulin are considered to be candidates for diabetes.
Friday, November 1, 2019
Advertising through Video Games Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 8750 words
Advertising through Video Games - Coursework Example However, building a brand that can withstand the test of time and retain its undisputed position among the consumers is definitely not an easy task. As human creativity coupled with technological advancements is on a constant inclination, companies face challenges from all sides. Companies are always pushed to the extremes of being the leaders of the global market than mere survivors. The concept of 'blue ocean markets' has now become a clich as every market sector throngs with more and more companies with relentless aim to carve a niche market for themselves. In such scenarios, strategic companies go beyond the textbooks of brand equity and charter the new areas. One such medium that possesses promise, to loft almost every brand today is the Video Gaming arena.Human brain has always been looking for newer aspects in the various categories faced in life. As the consumer's vision of gaining information over the radio and television has drifted to the newer and faster technologies like computers, there was a necessity to hire new methodologies to reach out for them. The best method to involve the consumers of all age groups was to focus on the advertising aspects through Video Games.This paper mainly aims at studying the factors involved and the prospective benefits that advertising through video games brings about. As a part of its endeavor to answer the primary question, the paper also presents several insights into the world of brand equity. The research also concentrates upon various intangible factors related to the brand of a company that differentiates it's product in the market. It presents the importance of a strong brand value, its importance in modern marketing and the various factors that carve a brand for a product. For a better understanding we also study the pattern of advertising video games right from its evolution. Finally it also throws light on the lesser studied world of video gaming, the enormous prospects it holds and how it can act as a bo on to a company. Results of various research works are analyzed based on the consumer perceptions, effect of product placements and so on. The research is conducted basically to try and understand the tangible results that advertising through video gaming provides. Introduction Research has clearly proved that the consumer's perception has a direct relationship to a brand's market value and consequently the success of the business. Attitudes and perceptions of consumers build the overall brand equity for a particular product. Marketers of various companies invest large amounts of money and time into molding the consumer perceptions about their goods. As for some clients a brand of a product is the matter of prestige and pride, it is easier to set a mark on such mindsets. It is very obvious that, if the consumer is satisfied with the claims made by the company, he will join the company's clientele and remain there as long as the company backs out of the initial promise. A brand is considered as a promise made by the producer to the consumer about the various features embedded in the product. It mainly intensifies the quality of the product. Advertising has been the oldest and yet thriving means to shape the attitudes and perceptions of consumers about the pr oduct of a company. The advertising mediums have been taking various shapes based on time and technological aspects. IPSOS ASI, a leading advertising research company conducted a study comprising
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