Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Green materials Essay Example for Free
Green materials Essay Green materials are the preferred construction materials by environmentalists today. This is because they do not harm the environment in any way. They are materials that do not destroy the environment when used for construction (Dean 33-34). Some of them actually benefit the environment when used in construction, for example, green roofs can cool the places around them and also help conserve water. The main advantage of using green materials is that available resources are used efficiently and thus prevent any damage either to the environment or to the health of the people. The green materials are at first expensive to purchase, however, when viewed in the long run they become cheap because they require very little amount of money to maintain unlike the other materials. They also have other benefits to the people who use them to construct the structures as well as the people who live in them. Some of the advantages are that the materials are safe to use and are not at risk of harming people for example triggering attacks for people with respiratory problems like bronchitis. Another advantage of green materials is that they do away with stale air in our homes and let fresh air circulate. There are several qualities that materials should possess in order for them to qualify as green materials. The first quality is that the material should be able to be recycled (Salacuse 14-18). This ensures that the material is used efficiently over and over again. It also reduces wastage due to the same reason. Materials produced by factories that use resources efficiently can be termed as green materials. These industries conserve energy and do not pollute the rivers through dumping harmful waste in it or pollute the air through harmful fumes released in it. Materials used for construction should be easily available since this saves the cost of ferrying them to the construction site. They should also be long lasting since this will save construction costs in the long run. Green buildings are structures built in such a manner that they use energy very efficiently. They are usually built using green materials. Green buildings should use materials that are not harmful or capable of irritating people who use the building. Such materials can affect people with respiratory illnesses or those who are allergic to them. Other materials used for construction may emit smells that make the air inside the building be of poor quality. The materials used should also be resistant to rotting. Green buildings are very good modes of conserving energy. There are several ways in which they can do so. Energy can be conserved by positioning a structure,when constructing, in such an angle that it makes the maximum use of the available natural light. This is very essential during seasons like winter where any heat conserved can save costs. One can also decide to use lighting appliances that consume low energy, for example energy saving bulbs,to conserve energy. Green buildings are also good modes of conserving water. This is done by harnessing the available water and preventing waste. Green buildings should have gutters that harness rainwater which can be used for other functions like irrigation. The plumbing in the house or structure should be built in such a way that it facilitates recycling of water. This water can be used for irrigation instead of it going to waste. Toilets should be constructed in such a way that they use as little water as possible in order to conserve it. Showers should also be constructed in a similar way. Floors can be made of locally available materials ensuring low costs are incurred in construction. To ensure success in construction of green buildings, one should do thorough research on the design of the structure and materials that will be used to construct the building. One should have enough funds for the construction process to prevent the construction work stalling mid way. The research for materials should contain information about the nature of materials to be used, how long they are expected to last and how much they will cost (Smith 18-19). The next step involves confirming whether the information provided about the nature of materials is accurate. It should also contain information about whether the material can be recycled. This can be confirmed from the manufacturers of the products. Any additional information about the nature of the materials can also be useful. One should employ professionals to do the construction work in order to ensure the work done meets the set standards. A green roof is the roof of a structure that is covered with plants. Plants are planted on top of the roof of the structure, on a layer of soil, but there is an insulation between the layer of the soil and the roof to ensure that moisture from the roots of the plant does not penetrate and damage the roof. One advantage of a green roof is that it helps in the management of rain water since the plants use it instead of it going to waste (McClure 77-79). The green roof also helps reduce heat in places where it is constructed, by providing shade. The third advantage of the plants is that they prolong the life of a roof. The green roof also helps filter sound thus minimizing sound pollution. Green homes have higher value in terms of money than other homes since demand for green homes is rising. They are cheaper to construct as they cut the costs for insulation and the gutter. One challenge of the use of green materials is that the purchasing costs are high, though it is only high in the short run. Another challenge is that many people who do not like embracing change do not want to experiment with new products (Wells 55-57). For green roofs, the challenge is that the roofs are likely to be heavy especially when it rains and will thus require strong support to hold it up which may be expensive. Green roofs are also more likely to suffer damage than ordinary roofs since things like diseases can wipe out the entire plants. Below are some illustrations showing different types of roof houses. In conclusion, any person who is constructing a building should use green materials as these are environmentally friendly and cannot harm people. Conservation of the environment ensures better health to both the owners of the home as well as all humanity in general. This will benefit not only the current race but the future race. Source: http/www. lid-stormwater. net/images/greenroof1. jpg Source: http/www. asla. org/roofgreening/images
Monday, January 20, 2020
Analysis Of Sea Fever By John Masefield :: essays research papers
John Masefield's poem "Sea Fever" is a work of art that brings beauty to the English language through its use of rhythm, imagery and many complex figures of speech. The meter in "Sea Fever" follows the movement of the tall ship in rough water through its use of iambs and hard hitting spondees. Although written primarily in iambic meter, the meter in "Sea Fever" varies throughout the poem. The imagery in "Sea Fever" suggests an adventurous ocean that appeals to all five senses. Along with an adventurous ocean, "Sea Fever" also sets a mood of freedom through imagery of traveling gypsies. Perhaps, the most complex part of this poem is the use of personification and metaphor. These figures of speech go beyond the meter and imagery to compare life to a sea voyage and portray a strong longing for the sea. The two main themes of "Sea Fever" bring the reader closer to the sea and help the reader understand why the speaker must return to the sea. "Sea Fever" not only depicts a strong longing for the sea through its theme, but also through use of complex figures of speech, imagery, and meter. "Sea Fever" is an excellent example of varied meter which follows the actions of a tall ship through high seas and strong wind. Lines one and two contain the common iambic meter found throughout the poem. "Sea Fever" may be categorized as a sea chantey due to its iambic meter and natural rhythm which gives it a song like quality. This song like quality is created through the use of iambic meter and alliteration. For example, lines three and ten contain the repeated consonant sound of the letter "w". In line three, the meter becomes spondaic through the use of strongly stressed syllables. These spondees suggest the repeated slapping of waves against the bow of the ship. As a result, John Masefield creates an image of powerful ocean swells. In addition to the meter suggesting the repeated slap of the waves, "the wheel's kick" is a reference to the ship's steering wheel spinning out of control. To further support the theory of the waves slapping against the bow, "The wheels kick" suggests that the tall ship is traversing very storm seas. Through the combining of iambic and spondaic meter, "Sea Fever" not only gains a magnificent rhythm, but gives clues into the location and movement of the tall
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Notes On Larkin And Abse
Arguably this poem is not simply a misogynistic view on woman however is in fact a satirical poem which mocks modernity through quantifying love as expressed in the use of the line ‘gave a ten Guinea-ring'. Larkin was a well known hater of the modern world and to an extent the romanticised idea of ‘love' as seen in ‘Self's the man' and ‘Mr Bleaney', so through the use of the conversationalist tone that the persona of the poem creates the reader is presented with the concept of this poem either expressing Larkin's flippantly misogynistic attitude toward women, (through derogatory language ‘bosomy Rose') or his cynical satirical view of the modern day ideals of love. The fur gloves symbolize concealment, remoteness, barriers to intimacy, and perhaps a touch of risque eroticism too.The lucky charms reference conveys a sense that it was fortunate the relationship with bosomy rose never developed, perhaps. I revel in Larkins ambiguities. We think this has misogynistic attitudes as he objectifies women and referes to them only by their physical features. He also reduces her to her †fur gloves†. Mann this is a bad poem, a story of two hookers in my opinion. †¢ Both wild oats and Dockery and son have a persona which appears inferior. †¢ Wild oats says that the choices you make in life have less to do with personal disposition or want, more to do with what you are allowed to do within your social structure.The persona in wild oats doesn’t seem to be in the same social group as the ‘bosomy English rose’ and even though he would rather speak to her, he is forced to speak to the girl in ‘specs’, this is emphasised with the worlds ‘ I could†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ which suggests that he was unable to speak to the other girl. He could also be saying at this point that your appearance may change who you are allowed to do, or who you can talk to. Social bias? †¢ Hard ‘S’ and ‘C’ sounds create a sense of deflation. †¢ The word ‘But’ again creates deflation and a sense of regret. Is he saying here that our lack of confidence limits our decisions?‘so I thought’ – shows a that the speaker doubts his past decisions which were based on a lack of confidence. †¢ However, he did write over 400 letters to the supposedly ugly girl and even though the relationship didn’t work maybe he is saying here that even if you don’t like the decisions you make at the time, it might work out for the best. There is even a possibility of marriage as a ring is mentioned, but that’s all the marriage reference in the poem. †¢ The last line ‘unlucky charms, perhaps’ may suggest that there is a sense of mysticism guiding our lives.Can charms effect what happens in our lives!? †¢ ‘Agreement †¦ I was too selfish, withdraw and easily bored to love’ again shows a lack of self-confidence, the persona has agreed that he is the one at fault. Does a lack of self-belief ruin things as well? †¢ Playing it safe †¦ the persona goes with the person that he is less intimidated by! †¢ More sense of fate, the girls me to where he worked, so he didn’t seek them out, they came to him. I think that he shouldn't bang the tidy bird in the cathedral cities as it's not very religious purley a god like man, Philip Larkin is a literacy genius..: Wild Oats :. Wild Oats by Philip Larkin explains that a person, over the course of time, comes to realize that his greatest desires are unattainable, and second best things will have to suffice. The central purpose of this poem is to show that love is one of these great desires and despite flashes of promise it contains scarcely anything that is more than fragmentary. Through tone, diction, and irony, Larkin reveals the terrible human hopes and cold realities that which love inspires. The Encarta Dictionary defines the word rose as a prickly bush with ornamental flowers.In thinking about roses one pictures its gorgeous petals and often forgets about the prickly stem on which it sits. This word is used in both, the first and third stanzas, to depict the beautiful woman who the narrator falls in love with. Her beautiful face and body allure him into affection, leading him to overlook her harsh thorns. Ironically rose also means favourable, comfortable, or easy circumstances a definition that is the complete opposite of what the unattainable lover instigates in the narrator’s life. The speaker also useswords such as cathedral, ring, and clergy in the second stanza, to implicitly state (does not explicitly state for he is ashamed) that he proposes to the beautiful lover, and is denied many times. In the third stanza, Larkins creative use of the word snaps in describing the pictures of his lover he carries around. Instead of simply calling them pictures or photographs, he substitute s a word that resembles what the woman in the picture did to his heart! In the last lines of the first stanza the speaker ends with But it was the friend I took out.Considering he rambles on about how beautiful and great her friend it is confusing and ironic that he chooses the girl in specs. The speaker continues on in the second stanza and says I believe I met beautiful twice. The uncertainty of how many times he met her is not genuine and is only meant to look like he does not consider or remember how many times they met, when realistically it is all he cares about. In the third stanza the speaker states, Well, useful to get that learnt. This is attempt by the speaker to alleviate the cold reality of the complete loss of his desire in trying to say that he learned a valuable lesson about love.However, this is contradictory because he settled for the girl in specs as a result of knowing that the beautiful girl was unattainable from the beginning. .: Philip Larkin :. Philip Larkin: Bracing Rather Than Depressing Philip Larkin was born August 9, 1922 in Coventry, an industrial city in central England. He was the second son of Sydney Larkin, the city treasurer. He attended King Henry VIII School and then went on to study at St. Johns College in Oxford, where he began to appreciate and explore poetry.Larkin grew up in an era marked by severe economic depression followed by World War II. The Encycolpedia of World Biography portrays the memories of Larkins youth as sensitive and introspective, full of loneliness and passivity. These feelings of destitution are reflected in his poems. Although it was nearly impossible for anyone to catch a break during this time period, Larkin was blessed with terrible eyesight, resulting in exemption from the military (206). While the war was still in progress Larkin graduated from St. Johns College in Oxford in 1943 (206).Soon after graduating, Larkin embodied a counteraction to the wartime poetry which he saw as emotionally over blown and technically sloppy (207). Larkin not only had to revolutionize the poems but the way the readers experienced the poem as well. In her article First Boredom, Then Fear: The Life of Philip Larkin Felicity Walsh explains that Larkin lived in a culture that expected people to live private lives and have private thoughts. Larkin published a series of poems hoping to build a reputation for himself, but they went unnoticed. However, his streak of bad luck soon came to an end.According to the anthology Poetry Speaks, the publication of Larkins 1955 volume of The Less Decieved marked one of the most remarkable turnarounds in literary history and instantly established him as the leading poet of a new generation of voices, a group that would come to be known as The Movement (262). This group of poets mastered the technique of building strong, unique poems out of the everyday details of life, and Larkin, largely influenced by the poetry of Thomas Hardy, proved himself a master of this style. In postwar Britain, Larkins starkly and candid lines sparked recognition among a disenchanted generation (139).British Writers states that life, for Larkin and, implicitly, for all of us, is something lived mundanely, with a gradually accumulating certainty that its golden prizes are sheer illusion, that second best things will have to suffice (275). In his article Philip Larkin, W. S. Di Piero affirms Larkins great subject is romanticism gone sour- in nature, household, and heart. His poems tell us that while were born dreamers, we must know our limits and curb unreasonable aspiration, even though we are enticed by its appeal (45). Larkin addresses the sad facts of life: the difficulty, and the loneliness that often proceeds.Yes in facing these bleak prospects squarely, Larkin manages to be bracing rather than depressing (139). It is interesting that his poems about how rewards and goals in life are deceptions would in turn fulfill his own ambitions. Philip Larkin, the accl aimed British poet, received many awards that include honorary doctorates from Oxford University, the CBE, and the German Shakespeare-Preis. He was Chairman of the Booker Prize Panel, was made a member of the Companion of Literature, and served on the Literature Panel of the Arts Council.What lead to such achievement? He filled his works with appropriate, disconcerting humor, mastered the use of diction and imagery, and incorporated his own Philip Larkin portrays a theme of loneliness in the poem ‘Mr. Bleaney'. Not only does the story within the poem suggest a feeling of solitude and emptiness, Larkin also deliberately uses language and techniques to emphasise the theme he's going for. First of all, the title itself is of a person who's first name we do not know. It creates a sense that it is irrelevant and that ‘Mr.Bleaney' isn't of much importance. The lack of strong syllables in the title makes it sound monotonous giving the impression of boredom, of a life lacking ex citement. The poem, throughout, is a big metaphor of Mr. Bleaney's life. The way the room is described doesn't really make an impression and shows how rough and lonely it must have been to live there. For example, Larkin uses the words ‘littered' and ‘upright'. Also he talks about a ‘sixty-watt bulb', which states how his surroundings weren't very bright, like how his life must have had little inspiration.Larkin reinforces this by describing a repetitive habit of Mr. Bleaney visiting the same family members every year. ‘The Frinton folk put him up for summer holidays' – the poet gives the feeling that Mr. Bleaney wasn't really wanted there and that they're just putting up with him. It suggests that they are most probably forced to look after him, out of pity maybe. Along with the lack of excitement in his life, Larkin also portrays Mr. Bleaney as very reliant on the people around him. The quote ‘they moved him' not only symbolises death and hints that Mr.Bleaney has passed away but also that he was unable to make decisions for himself. ‘One hired box' evokes the images of a coffin, again leading the reader to think that Mr. Bleaney has indeed passed away. Prior to this, Larkin describes the room's curtains as ‘thin and frayed', which could be a metaphor of Mr. Bleaney's past condition and it could be argued that he died of some sort of illness. The use of two characters, being the landlord and the buyer of the old room, ensures that the poem is based on reality. The pessimistic view of the assumed buyer shows lack of pride.The quote ‘I lie where Mr. Bleaney lay' suggests that even though his presumptions of what the man's life must have been like aren't very assuring, his is no different either. He is in the same position. He also has to rent that shabby room like Mr. Bleaney did, showing that he isn't rich enough to own a place of his own too. He is also presumably alone in renting that room, suggesting t hat he doesn't have many friends either. The enjambaments used to carry sentences on symbolises the pointless existence of Mr. Bleaney, having to continue living a dull and tedious life.The lack of obvious similes and metaphors again suggests boredom and lack of inspiration. In the last phrase, the buyer says ‘I don't know', which states how even though he can deduce this man's life by how he used to live and what he's got to show of his previous existence (‘that how we live measures our own nature'), he still cannot be sure exactly who he was and what he was like when he was alive. I personally think that Larkin had a hidden message between the lines of this poem, which is not to judge anyone when you know very little about themIn Philip Larkin’s collection, ‘The Whitsun Weddings’ and Dannie Abse’s collection ‘Welsh Retrospective’, both poets create a sense of place as they write about their own environments. Larkin uses a more de tached observation as he uses a third person viewpoint, seen in ‘Here’ and ‘The Whitsun Weddings’, where he shows the journey of life. This differs to Abse, who presents a personal connection with the place and in the poems ‘Last Visit to 198 Cathedral Road’ and ‘Return to Cardiff’; Abse uses these places to evoke memories.
Saturday, January 4, 2020
Business Ethics And The Ethical Issues - 1461 Words
Business ethics and the ethical issues in marketing Moral principles that guide the way a business behaves are known as business ethics. However this term has a broader definition. As the word ethics can pose many definitions in a broad context and it can be challenging to find a common understanding of the term, hence, most companies denote the concept of the term ethics as responsible business conduct, business practices or integrity. Business ethics offers a tool for conducting business more effectively and productively (Heiskanen, 2011). Once an individual have understood the basic definition of business ethics, the next step is to understand the definition of ethics. Simply put, ethics involves distinguishing between what is right or wrong, and then doing the right thing; however the right thing is not easy to define in business ethics literature. The majority of ethical dilemmas in the office or workplace are not just a matter of Should Peter steal from Jose? or Should Jose lie to his boss?†Developing ethical beliefs are considered by various philosophers to be state of the art legal matters, for example; what develop into an ethical guideline nowadays is habitually converted to a law, rule or regulation tomorrow. Values, which guide how individuals ought to behave, are considered moral values, e.g., values such as respect, honesty, justice, equality, etc. Statements about how these values are applied are sometimes called ethical principles or moral. TheShow MoreRelatedBusiness Ethics : Ethical And Ethical Issues843 Words  | 4 Pages Business ethics is very important. Business ethics examines the moral and ethical issues that arise in a business enviroment. Ethical communication on the other hand allows the business to be honest with the customer. A business should not withhold information in order to sell a product. 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